Get Deku Nuts (Skull Kid Woods)
From where you gain control at the start of the game, enter the cave to fall down a hole and be turned into a Deku Scrub. Go through the door, then dive into the flower and launch yourself to the other side and through the next door. Launch straight forward and get the Deku Nuts from the chest.
Get Magic Meter (North Clock Town)
From there, use the flowers to get across the room, and through the twisting hallway. Meet the Happy Mask Man and enter Clock Town. Go south and up the side ramp to get to the Laundry Pool. Get the stray fairy in the water, then go back to South Clock Town. Go north past the clock tower to get to North Clock Town, then turn left and go up into the cave. Talk to the Great Fairy and she will give you a Magic Meter.
Get Moon's Tear (Termina Field)
In North Clock Town, shoot the blue bubble in the air, then talk to the red- clothed boy. You have to catch the 5 boys by tomorrow morning: 2 are in the North Clock Town area, one is in West Clock Town, and 2 in East Clock Town; use the flower to launch up and get the boys in the east part of town. They will give you the code to the hideout. Talk to the boy gaurding the entrance in East Clock Town and you can enter. Go through the hideout and burst the bubble blocking the ladder to get to the Observatory. Talk to the old man at the telescope and look through it. Gaze at the top of the clock tower to spot the Skull Kid. Now take the door outside to the field and get the Moon's Tear that dropped from the sky.
Get Town Land Title Deed (South Clock Town)
In South Clock Town, approach the deku flower, then give the Moon's Tear to the Deku Scrub that appears. You will get the title deed for this flower.
Get Heart Piece #1 (South Clock Town)
Use that flower to launch to the entrance of the clock tower and get the Heart Piece sitting there.
Get Ocarina (Clock Tower)
Talk with the scarecrow in the Observatory to pass time until the night of the final day. At midnight, the clock tower opens up. Use the deku flower to reach the entrance and enter. When you face the Skull Kid, hit him with a bubble, then pick up the Ocarina he drops.
Learn "Song of Time" (Clock Tower)
You will remember this song from Zelda. Play it to save your game and revert back to the first day.
Learn "Song of Healing" (South Clock Town)
Get Deku Scrub Mask (South Clock Town)
Go back to the Happy Mask Man and he will teach you this song. You will change back to human Link, and be given the Deku Scrub Mask.
Learn "Song of Double Time/Inverted Song of Time" (South Clock Town)
Play V-A->-V-A-> on the Ocarina to play the Inverted Song of Time and slow down the flow of time. Play >->-A-A-V-V on the Ocarina to warp to the night of this day or the morning of the next day.
Purchase Clock Town Map (5 rupees) (North Clock Town)
Purchase Woodfall Map (40 rupees) (North Clock Town)
Go to North Clock Town and shoot down Tingle on his baloon with your Deku bubble. Purchase these maps from him.
Purchase Bomb Bag (50 rupees) (Bomb Shop)
Purchase Bombchus (40 rupees) (Bomb Shop)
Enter the Bomb Shop from West Clock Town and purchase these items.
Get Heart Piece #2 (Swordsman's School)
Enter the Swordsman's School from West Clock Town and pay 10 rupees to play the sword game here. Jump attack all the wooden poles to get the Heart Piece.
Get Adult's Wallet (West Clock Town)
Deposit 200 rupees at the banker in West Clock Town to get this upgrade.
Get Bomber's Notebook (North Clock Town)
Blow up the bubble near Jim in North Clock Town and find the 5 boys again as human Link, and you will get the Bomber's Notebook as a reward and complete the Bomber's Notebook Entry.
Get Heart Piece #3 (North Clock Town)
Climb up the playground platforms in North Clock Town and jump across to the Heart Piece in the tree.
Get Kafei Mask (Mayor's Residence)
Go to East Clock Town and enter the mayor's house in the north part of the area. Go through the right door and talk to Kafei's mother to get this mask.
Get Blast Mask (North Clock Town)
Go to North Clock Town and on midnight of the first day. Attack the robber that tries to steal from the old woman. She will give you this mask, and you will complete the BombShop Owner's Mother Notebook Entry.
Purchase Big Bomb Bag (90 rupees) (Bomb Shop)
After saving the Bomb Shop owner's mother, enter the Bomb Shop to purchase this newly available upgrade.
Get Bremen Mask (Laundry Pool)
Enter the Laundry Pool at night and talk to the man on the bench to get this mask. You will complete the Mr. Gul-Gul Notebook entry.
Get Great Fairy Mask (North Clock Town)
Rescue the stray fairy again at the Laundry Pool, then give it back to the Great Fairy in North Clock Town as human Link to get this mask.
Get Deku Sticks (Termina Field)
Leave Clock Town by talking to a guard as human Link. You can get Deku Sticks dropped from Piranha plants throughout southern Termina Field.
Purchase Romani Ranch Map (20 rupees) (Milk Road)
Purchase Great Bay Map (40 rupees) (Milk Road)
Enter Milk Road from southwest Termina Field, and shoot down Tingle with a bubble. Purchase these maps from him.
Get Bunny Hood (Romany Ranch)
On the final day, the road to Romani Ranch from Milk Road will be unblocked. Enter the ranch, then go all the way to the west end. Enter the right-hand door here. Put on the Bremen Mask, then hold B and make all 10 of the chicklets follow you to turn them into chickens. The man will give you the Bunny Hood afterwards, and you will complete the Mr. Nadeklo Notebook Entry.
Get Heart Piece #4 (Romani Ranch)
Go back to the ranch and enter the left-hand door on the west end. Play the dog-race mini-game here and bet at least 50 rupees. If you win, you'll get a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #5 (Postman's Office)
The Postman's office is in West Clock Town. Follow the postman around the town until he goes into his office for a break. Enter after him. Put on the Bunny Hood, and talk to him on his bed. Stop the clock at exactly 10 seconds, and he will reward you with a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #6 (Deku Playground)
In North Clock Town, use the deku flower near the Great Fairy's cave and launch to the hole in the gate and fall down it. Play the Deku flower launching game as Deku Link, and win it on the 1st day, the 2nd day, and the final day to get a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #7 (Stock Pot Inn)
Get the Land Title Deed from the Deku Scrub again, and enter the Stock Pot Inn by way of the back entrance, using the deku flower in East Clock Town. Find the room with the hand poking out of it, and give the deed to the hand to get a Heart Piece in return, and complete the ??? Notebook Entry.
Get Kamaro's Mask (Termina Field)
On midnight of the first night, leave Clock Town to the north, near Death Mountain. Play the Song of Healing for the man on the mushroom. He gives you this mask and you complete the Kamaro Notebook Entry.
Get Heart Piece #8 (West Clock Town)Now go to West Clock Town at night, put on Kamaro's Mask, and dance in front of the dancing sisters. They give you a Heart Piece, and you complete the Rosa Sisters Notebook Entry.
Get Heart Piece #9 (West Clock Town)
Eventually, if you can deposit 5,000 rupees at the banker in West Clock Town, she will give you a Heart Piece. This is most easily done if you wait until you get the Goron Mask, then go Dodongo-hunting in north Termina field for massive rupees.
Get Heart Piece #10 (Termina Field)
In north Termina Field, there is a hole near a baby Dodongo. Fall into it, then kill the Dodongos inside to get a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #11 (Termina Field)
Near the entrance to Milk Road in southwest Termina Field, there is a large patch of grass. Fall into the hole near the butterflies, then kill the huge Peahat inside for a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #12 (100 rupees) (Termina Field)
Enter the Observatory and look out the telescope. Watch for the flying Deku Scrub, and follow it with the telescope until it goes into a hole near the Observatory. Go back out to Termina Field and fall down that hole. Talk to the Deku Scrub and say no to the first option- he will let you purchase the Heart Piece for 100 rupees.
Get Heart Piece #13 (Swamp Entrance)
Go south from Termina Field to enter the Swamp Entrance. Climb up the huge tree in this area to get a Heart Piece.
Purchase Snowhead Map (40 rupees) (Swamp Entrance)
Shoot down the Tingle in this area to purchase this map.
Get Swamp Land Title Deed (Southern Swamp)
Enter the swamp and go up the ladder to the tour hut. Talk to the Deku Scrub outside as human Link, and give him the Town Land Title Deed from South Clock Town. You will get this deed in return. You can also talk to him as Deku Link to purchase Magic Beans.
Get Heart Piece #14 (Southern Swamp)
Use the Deku flower after the scrub leaves to launch to the top of the tour hut and get the Heart Piece.
Get Bottle #1 (Southern Swamp)
Go down the river past the tour hut and enter the path you come across to the left. Enter the path past the witch's hut to enter the Woods of Mystery, and make sure that it's the 1st day. Talk to the monkey and follow him through the woods to the buried witch. Now go back to the witch's hut and enter. Talk to the other witch there, and she will give you a potion. Go back to the buried witch in the woods and give her the potion. You can keep the bottle afterwards.
Get Pictograph Box (Southern Swamp)
Go back to the tour hut now and enter, and talk to the man as human Link to get a Pictograph Box.
Get Heart Piece #15 (Deku Scrub Palace)
Talk to the witch you saved previously in the tour hut to get a free boat ride through the swamp. Get off when it stops at the Deku Scrub Palace, and enter. Get past the gaurds as Deku Link, and go through the left-hand door. Sneak past all the patrolling guards and get the Heart Piece at the end of the path.
Purchase Magic Beans (10 rupees) (Deku Scrub Palace)
Go back to the palace hallway and go through the right-hand door. Sneak past all the guards and fall down the hole at the end. Turn left and get a Magic Bean from the man, then go over to the spring water here and catch some in a bottle.
Learn "Sonata of Awakening" (Deku Scrub Palace)
With the spring water, go back to the entrance of the palace, before the two guards. Turn right and hop along the leaf platforms. At the end is a soft soil spot; plant a Magic Bean there, then make the plant grow with the spring water. Ride the platform up, then launch yourself from platform to platform all across the palace area, and through the doorway at the end. Talk to the monkey prisoner as Deku Link and pull out your instrument. He will teach you this song.
Get Heart Piece #16 (Southern Swamp)
Enter the palace throne room and take a picture of the Deku King with the Pictograph. Then go all the way back to the tour hut in the beginning of the swamp and show this picture to the man there- he gives you a Heart Piece as a reward.
Learn "Song of Soaring" (Southern Swamp)
Near the entrance to the Deku palace area, use the Deku flower to launch up to the cave and enter, to get to a higher platform above the Southern Swamp. Launch from flower to flower to eventually get to the ledge on the left where the owl is, and you will learn this song from the pedestal. You can now warp to wherever you have hit an owl statue with your sword.
Get Heart Piece #17 (Woodfall)
Launch to the next ledge right after this one and enter the Woodfall area. Launch from platform to platform along the left-hand side of the area until you get to a platform with a Deku symbol on it. From there, use the Deku flower to launch your way up along the right-hand side of the area until you reach a chest across a bridge; open it to get a Heart Piece.
Go to Woodfall Dungeon
Put on the Great Fairy's Mask to get the Stray Fairy (#1) at the entrance.
Use the Deku flowers to launch to the chest on the right side of the room, and open it for a Stray Fairy (#2).
Launch yourself to the north and go through the door to the next room.
Go down the ramp to the left, kill the plant and get the Stray Fairy (#3).
Jump across the pink flytraps to the east and stop at the door, go right, hop across the water and get the Stray Fairy (#4) from the pots.
Jump back across and go through the door to the east.
Use the Deku flower to launch to the left and get the key from the chest.
Shoot the beehive to the left of the chest and put on the Great Fairy's Mask to get a Stray Fairy (#5).
Go east through the next door, kill the enemies and get the map from the chest.
Go back west two rooms, then hop across to the west and go through the locked door.
Turn right and hop across to the docks, then go around to the northwest corner, kill the skulltula and get the Stray Fairy (#6) from it.
Continue along the dock and push the block east, then shoot the beehives hanging overhead with a bubble to get a Stray Fairy (#7).
Light a Deku Stick with the flaming torch and light the torch in front of the south door, then go through it.
Kill the enemies and get the compass from the chest.
Go back north, go up the stairs and light the next torch on fire, then jump across the platform to the north and burn up the web, and go up the stairs.
Kill all the enemies in this dark room and get the Stray Fairy (#8) from the chest that appears.
Light all the torches in this room and go through the unlocked door.
Launch across the platforms and go to the next room.
Go forward and through the door on the left, then go right on the ledge and through the door on the right.
Defeat the Metal Dinalfo and get the Hero's Bow from the chest.
Go back north, shoot the golden eye with an arrow, then launch across to the north door and go through.
Kill the Gekko and get the Boss Key from the chest.
Go back south, then go through the west door on the top floor.
Step on the switch, then jump onto the tiny column with a flame spout, and shoot an arrow through the flame to light the center of the giant flower.
Get the Stray Fairy (#9) on this top ledge.
Launch to the tiny platform in the northwest corner, step on the switch, and get to the chest to get another Stray Fairy (#10).
Drop down and go through the door to the west to a previous room.
Push the block west and stand in front of the south door, shoot the fairy bubble with an arrow, and put on the Great Fairy's Mask to get this Stray Fairy (#11), then go back east.
Stand on the giant spinning flower, shoot an arrow through the flame to the unlit torch in the northwest corner, then go through the unlocked door.
Collect the three Stray Fairies (#12-14) in the alcoves to the left and right of the entrance to the room.
Shoot the last Stray Fairy (#15) in the pillar of flame with an arrow, then put on the Great Fairy's Mask to get it.
Launch to the far east alcove and shoot the crystal with an arrow, then launch onto the right-hand pillar, then up to the top right-hand platform, then north to the big door, and open it to get to the boss.
Learn "Oath to Order" (Woodfall)
You learn this immediately after beating the Woodfall Dungeon.
Get Charged Spin Attack (Woodfall)
You end up in a room with the Deku princess after the dungeon. Capture her in a bottle, then exit the dungeon. From the platform with the Deku symbol with the platform that shoots you to the dungeon entrance, find the cave in the wall and launch into it. If you collected all the Stray Fairies, the Great Fairy inside gives you this.
Get Mask of Scents (Deku Scrub Palace)
Return to the throne room in the Deku Palace after beating Odolwa, and release the Deku princess to free the imprisoned monkey. Afterwards, leave the palace proper, then go right past the gaurds, along the lily pads on the left-side path. Go in the cave at the end. Inside, you must follow the Deku through the long, winding cave all the way to the end to get this mask- change to human Link when jumping across platforms.
Get Heart Piece #18 (Southern Swamp)
Go back to the tour hut in the Southern Swamp after beating Odolwa and rescuing the witch sister. Talk to the witch, and she will let you play an archery game. Score enough points on it to get this Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #19 (Honey and Darling's Game Shop)
Go back to East Clock Town, and enter Honey and Darling's Game Shop on the first day. Get perfect scores on the three minigames on the 1st, 2nd, and final days to get a Heart Piece.
Get Big Arrow Quiver (Town Shooting Gallery)
Get a new high score in the Town Shooting Gallery for this upgrade.
Get Heart Piece #20 (Town Shooting Gallery)
Get a perfect score in the same gallery for a Heart Piece.
Get Biggest Arrow Quiver (Swamp Shooting Gallery)
From the Southern Swamp owl statue, go back to the Swamp Entrance. Take the east path to the Swamp Shooting Gallery. Get a high score for this upgrade.
Get Heart Piece #21 (Swamp Shooting Gallery)
Get a perfect score in this gallery for a Heart Piece.
Get Lens of Truth (Mountain Village)
From Termina Field, go to the very north area and climb up the slope there, then shoot the overhanging icycle with an arrow to unblock the path. Go to the next area and bomb the huge snowballs blocking your path, until you get to the Mountain Village. Hit the owl statue across the bridge to the west, then take the east path. Go along the bridges to the next area, to get to the main part of the village. Drop down and go forward to the cliff edge, where the big owl is perched. Talk to it, then jump across the invisible platforms using the owl's dropped feathers as a guide to the cave. Inside, open the chest to get the Lens of Truth.
Get Goron Mask (Mountain Village)
Go back out and jump across the platforms, then use the Lens of Truth to spot the ghost of a former Goron hero. Follow the Goron with the lens all the way back to the first part of the village. When the ghost flies up the cliff, go across and use the Lens of Truth to climb the ladder to the top. Go in the cave and talk to the ghost, then play the Song of Healing to get this mask.
Learn "Goron Lullaby" (Mountain Village)
Pull aside the rock slab in this cave to fill it with hot water. Catch some of the water in your bottle, then go outside and jump off the cliff, and take the path east to the bridge area. Jump down and punch away all the large snow boulders; inside one of them is a frozen Goron. Unfreeze him with the hot water, and he will teach you the beginning of this song. Now, go to the main part of the village. Do a Goron Stomp in front of the door near the entrance, and go inside the structure. Go to the very top of the room and play the Goron Lullaby Intro in front of the baby Goron. You will learn the rest of the song from the baby.
Purchase Biggest Bomb Bag (200 rupees) (Mountain Village)
From the main village area, jump down from the entrance to the Deku Scrub on the right-hand wall. Talk to him as Goron Link to purchase this upgrade.
Get Mountain Land Title Deed (Mountain Village)
Talk to this same Deku Scrub as Deku Link, and give him the Swamp Land Title Deed from the Deku Scrub in the Southern Swamp. You will get this deed in return.
Get Heart Piece #22 (Mountain Village)
Use the now-available Deku flower to launch to the Heart Piece on the ledge.
Get Don Gero's Mask (Mountain Village)
Inside the big structure in the main village, go up to the chamber where the baby Goron is. Light a Deku Stick on fire with one of the flaming torches, then go to the main circling room and light every single torch on fire. Now that the overhead chandelier is spinning, go up to the top and do a Goron roll off the top ramp to smash the overhanging decorations. Inside one of them is a piece of frozen Goron food. Pick up this food and go all the way back to the first area of the Mountain Village. Throw the food up to the freezing Goron on the ledge to get this mask.
Get Heart Piece #23 (Termina Field)
There are four holes in Termina Field that lead to four statues inside: between the Milk Road and Southern Swamp entrances, right outside the Observatory, on the top ledge in the north part of the field, and on the top ledge on the northwest part of the field under a boulder. Go inside each of them and play the Goron Lullaby right in front of the big stone as Goron Link; after doing this for each stone, you will get a Heart Piece.
Go to Snowhead Dungeon.
From the first area of the Mountain Village, take the northwest path. Use the Goron roll to leap over the ramps, north to the next area. Hit the owl statue to the right, then use the Lens of Truth to reveal the huge Goron blocking the entrance. Play the Goron Lullaby as Goron Link to get rid of the Goron, then roll across the narrow bridge and up the winding path, to to enter the second dungeon.
Go forward and push the block aside, then go through the right door.
Drop down to the bottom and go to the other side, shoot the Stray Fairy (#1) in the stone column, and use the Great Fairy Mask to get it.
Climb back up and Goron roll over the bridge, then shoot the Stray Fairy (#2) under the small platform and use the Great Fairy Mask to get it.
Go through the door to the left, then go across the big room to the open door.
Pull the large column out, then north until it sinks into the ground, and get the key in the chest behind where the column was.
From the first room of the dungeon, go left through the locked door.
Get the compass from the chest.
In this room, throw a bomb at the crate on the right-hand column near the cracked wall to reveal a Stray Fairy (#3).
Bomb the cracked wall and go up the stairs.
Get on the platform and shoot the icycles with arrows to break the ice columns, then jump across to the giant snowball, bomb it and get the key from the chest.
In this room, use the Lens of Truth to find an invisible nitch near some ice on the wall; jump into it and get the Stray Fairy (#4) in the chest.
Go through the locked door to the next room.
Use the Lens of Truth and look at the ceiling to spot a Stray Fairy (#5).
Goron Stomp the first yellow switch, then jump across and stomp the green switch that popped up. Now stomp the second yellow switch, then climb up and go through the unblocked door.
Goron roll over the ramp to the other side, roll right across the snowy path, then roll across the center again and go through the door there.
Defeat the Wizzrobe and get the Fire Arrows from the chest.
From the first room of the dungeon, go left to a previous room.
Melt the ice block that covers a switch with a Fire Arrow and step on it as Goron Link, then melt the ice block covering a block. Push it to the ledge with the chest that appeared and get the Stray Fairy (#6) from it.
Push the same block to the north ledge and climb up it, then go through the door. Jump across the column you pushed earlier and get the Stray Fairy (#7) from the chest.
Go back to the first floor of the big room, shoot the northwest door with a Fire Arrow and go through it.
Kill all the enemies with Fire Arrows and get the Stray Fairy (#8) from the chest.
Light all the torches with Fire Arrows, and go through the unlocked door.
Goron stomp the switch to raise the center column.
Go back through the door, then drop down to the bottom floor and go through the door there.
Step on the switch on the lava as Goron Link and get the Stray Fairy (#9) from the chest that appears.
Go up the stairs, then left through the east door back to the bridge room.
Kill all the enemies with Fire Arrows to get a key, then go north, across the platform, and up the stairs.
Get the Stray Fairy (#10) to the right and the map from the chest.
Shoot the enemy and the frozen eye with a Fire Arrow to rise up, then use the Lens of Truth to find invisible platforms in the room. Jump across them to a chest that contains a Stray Fairy (#11).
Go through the door on the top ledge, to the big room on the 2nd floor.
Roll across the snowy path and melt the ice block, then go up the stairs.
Roll across and go up the path to the top of the column, then go across and through the door.
Kill the Lizalfos and get the two Stray Fairies (#12-#13), then go to the next room.
Go across on the top floor and through the door on the opposite side.
Kill the Wizzrobe, then get the Boss Key from the next room.
Go back to the room with the frozen eye and go through the door on the top ledge.
Goron punch only one of the ice platforms, then roll across the snowy path and go up the stairs.
Goron punch both of the ice platforms, then go back down the stairs.
Goron punch the last ice platform, and go up to the top of the column.
Use the Lens of Truth at the top of the column to spot an invisible hole in the wall below, then jump to it and get the Stray Fairy (#14) inside.
Go back to the top of the column and go across through the snowballs to the next room.
Use the Lens of Truth to spot an invisible hole in the wall near some ice, and get the last Stray Fairy (#15) inside, then go to the next room.
Goron roll across the ramp and go through the big door to get to the boss.
Get Double Magic Meter (Snowhead)
If you collected all the Stray Fairies, go to the base of Snowhead below the entrance to the dungeon and enter the cave. The Great Fairy will give you this upgrade.
Get Razor Sword (Mountain Village)
To begin the quest for the Gilded Sword, you must have beaten Goht on the 1st day. In the first area of the Mountain Village, enter the blacksmith's hut. Melt the ice shard inside with a Fire Arrow, and the man will offer you the Razor Sword for 100 rupees.
Get Bottle #2 (Goron Racetrack)
After getting the Razor Sword and beating Goht on the 1st day, go to the main area of the Goron village and drop down to the bottom area. Go over to where a huge ice glacier was blocking an opening before, and go inside. Talk to the huge Goron as Goron Link to get a Powder Keg. Quickly carry the Powder Keg out to the area with the bridges. Take the keg up the ramps, along the wall, to the huge boulder at the top. Set the keg down at the boulder so it explodes and destroys it. Enter this area to get to the Goron Racetrack. Race the other Gorons; if you win, you get Gold Dust and a Bottle. You can now also purchase regular Powder Kegs from the huge Goron, for 100 rupees each.
Get Gilded Sword (Mountain Village)
On the 2nd day, give the Gold Dust to the blacksmith, and give him the Razor Sword. Now wait until the final day and talk to him again, and the Gilded Sword will be forged.
Learn "Epona's Song" (Romani Ranch)
On the 1st day, get a Powder Keg from the huge Goron and go all the way to Milk Road. Blow up the huge boulder blocking the path with the keg, then enter Romani Ranch. Talk to the girl there as human Link. Shoot all the balloons on Epona and she will teach you this song: Now you can summon Epona at any time.
Get Bottle #3 (Romani Ranch)
Talk to the girl at the ranch and agree to help her save the ranch from the ghosts. At 2:30 AM, the ghosts will start to appear; position yourself on the hill in front of Epona's stall, and shoot the ghosts with arrows. Play the Inverted Song of Time to make it easier, and watch out especially for the ghost that sneaks in behind the house on the left side. After successfully warding off the ghosts, the girl gives you a Bottle, and you complete the Romani Notebook Entry.
Get Romani Mask (Termina Field)
Talk to Cremia inside the barn after saving the ranch. At 6:00 PM on the 2nd day, Cremia will leave the ranch on a carriage. Talk with her to join her. Defend her carriage from the horsemen that attack you; she will give you the Romani Mask when you reach town, and you will complete her notebook entry.
Get Garo Mask (Milk Road)
Go back to Milk Road and take the southeast path to the Gorman Brother's racetrack. Talk to them on Epona and challenge them to a race; win to get this mask and complete their notebook entry.
Get Stone Mask (Ikana Valley)
Get on Epona in Termina Field, and take the eastern exit. Use Epona to leap the gates until you reach the bottom of a cliff. Go over to the circle of stones and wear the Lens of Truth to find the invisible soldier, Shiro. Give him a Red Potion to complete his notebook entry and he will give you the mask.
Get Captain's Hat (Ikana Graveyard)
Go west from the invisible soldier and climb up the ledges to reach Ikana Graveyard. Continue north until you reach a house, and a huge sleeping skeleton. Play the Sonata of Awakening in front of the skeleton. When it awakes, shoot it with arrows to stun it, and chop it up with your sword until it surrenders. He will give you this mask.
Learn "Song of Storms" (Ikana Graveyard)
On the night of the 1st day, go to the graveyard, wear the Captain's Hat and talk to the skeletons patrolling the gravestone. Tell them to open it, and jump down the hole. Go through the door here, light the torches with the Fire Arrows and go through to get to an Iron Knuckle. Kill it, and you will learn the Song of Storms from the tablet that appears.
Get Heart Piece #24 (Ikana Graveyard)
On the night of the 2nd day, the skeletons are patrolling another stone- have them open it and go through it. After dropping in, go through the fake wall. Use the Lens of Truth to get across the invisible pathway to the next room, kill the Iron Knuckle, and get the Heart Piece.
Get Bottle #4 (Ikana Graveyard)
On the night of the final day, open up the last gravestone and drop down it. Inside, have Dampe follow you around and dig up the blue fire spots in the brown sand; there are two of them on the bottom floor. After finding them, have Dampe step on the right-hand sinking platform on the bottom floor, and it will raise him up. Quickly get up to the top floor and have him follow you to the dig spot on the top ledge, which holds the last fire spot. After the three are activated, kill the Big Poe that appears to get the Bottle.
Get Zora Mask (Great Bay)
Get on Epona in Termina Field and head to the west area. Use Epona to leap over the gate and enter the Great Bay. Swim out into the water towards the building with the owl statue, and activate it. This building is the Marine Lab. There is an unconscious Zora in the water nearby- push him to shore, and play the Song of Healing to get the Zora Mask.
Purchase Stone Tower Map (40 rupees) (Great Bay)
This Tingle is floating above the Marine Lab; shoot him down and buy the map.
Get Heart Piece #25 (Mountain Village)
After defeating Goht, go to the area of the Mountain Village with the bridges. Sink into the river as Zora Link and find the chest that contains the Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #26 (Termina Field)
Outside the entrance to the Great Bay, there is a large boulder. Smash it and fall into the hole. Inside, shoot down the beehives, and dive down to get the Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #27 (Great Bay)
Go south along the shore to the next area of the Great Bay. Continue along the shore to the very end of the area to a waterfall. Dive down here and kill the enemies to get a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #28 (Marine Lab)
Nearby this waterfall, there are many fish on the seashore. Catch at least four fishes, and take them back to the Marine Lab. In the small fish tank to the right, dump these fishes into the tank. Eventually one will get big enough to eat the other fish, and you will get a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #29 (Pirates' Fortress)
From the Marine Lab, dive into the water and swim to the north. Along the rock face under the water to the north, there are several huge wooden boards. Roll into them to find a cave entrance, and go through it to reach the fortress. Put on the Stone Mask to become invisible, jump in the water and swim all the way to the north shore. Pound on the switch with a Goron Stomp to open an underwater entrance. Swim into it as Zora Link. Push the first block forward, go around left and pull the next block, then go through and up the water spout. Avoid the water currents and swim to the next room. Go up the ramp and Goron punch out all the barrels, then step on the switch as Goron Link. Quickly roll down the ramp and through the open door to get the Heart Piece in the cage.
Get Hookshot (Pirates' Fortress)
In this room, shoot the crystal to open the next gate, and swim through. Stomp on the switch and hit the crystal to rise up, then climb up and hit the next crystal. Go through the next door to reach the interior of the fortress. Climb up the wooden structure in the center and follow the path forward, and enter the main building. After the cutscene, shoot the beehive through the window bars to get rid of the Gerudos. Go back outside, drop down one level to the right, and re-enter on the lower floor. You can now get the Hookshot from the chest.
Get 7 Zora Eggs (Pirates' Fortress/Pinnacle Rock)
In this room, hookshot to the board over the giant tank, drop inside of it and catch the first egg in a bottle. Go back outside to the fortress. To find the other three eggs here, use the hookshot targets in this fortress area to explore the linear rooms. Each of the eggs is guarded by a Gerudo you will have to defeat, and they are each held in a tank. Be sure to take a full picture of a Gerudo with your Pictograph for later. When you have all four eggs, leave the fortress and go to the Marine Lab, and drop the eggs into the main tank. Now go to the shore near the lab, and enter the Fisherman's Hut. Talk to the gold seahorse and give the man the picture of a Gerudo, and he will give you the seahorse in a bottle. Out at sea, northwest of the lab, are two jagged peaks sticking out of the water. Swim over there to get to Pinnacle Rock. Dive to the surface and release the seahorse, and follow it along the invisible path to reach the huge crater. Inside this crater are eight sea snakes, easily destroyable with Zora Link's electric attack. Three of them guard the last three eggs.
Get Heart Piece #30 (Pinnacle Rock)
Kill every single sea snake in the sea crater to rescue the other gold seahorse. They will give you a Heart Piece.
Learn "New Wave Bossanova" (Marine Lab)
Once you have deposited all seven eggs in the huge tank in the lab, they will form a musical tone and teach you this song.
Get Heart Piece #31 (Great Bay)
First, go to the Observatory from East Clock Town and play a song with your Ocarina in front of the scarecrow. From the Marine Lab, swim to the north, then east along the surface of the water to get to a lagoon area, with many platforms along the rock face. Hookshot along the platforms to a soft soil spot. Plant a Magic Bean here and make it grow with Spring Water found near the Southern Swamp Archery game. Ride the platform up to the next ledge. Play the same song you played in front of the scarecrow now, to make him appear again. Hookshot to the scarecrow to get the Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #32 (Snowhead)
From the Snowhead owl statue, go south to the snowy path with all the Goron ramps. Use the Lens of Truth to find platforms, and jump across them. Play the Scarecrow's Song, and hookshot to the scarecrow to get the Heart Piece.
Get Bottle #5 (Waterfall Rapids)
In the second area of the Great Bay near the giant waterfall, use the hookshot to get up the platforms on the rock face. At the top, go into the cave to get to the Waterfall Rapids. Swim over to the beaver and challenge him to a race. Swim through all 20 rings within the time limit, then you will challenge his brother. Swim through 25 rings this time in the time limit to get a Bottle.
Get Heart Piece #33 (Waterfall Rapids)
Talk to the beavers again afterwards, and challenge them both again. Swim through all the rings again in the reduced times to get a Heart Piece.
Get Huge Wallet (Oceanside Spider House)
Go to the first area of the Great Bay on day 1 and enter the house next to the Fisherman's Hut. You must collect 30 Gold Skulltula Spirits to break the curse. Bomb the wall, slide down the ramp and kill the two skulltulas on the way (#1-#2). Shoot a Fire Arrow at the web on the ceiling to get another one (#3). Hookshot to the target and go through the door. Go through the door to the left. Climb up the bookcase on the right side of the room, then jump across and kill the skulltula on top of another bookcase (#4). Shoot all the portraits in the room to find two more (#5-#6). Move the bookcase in the northeast corner of the room to find two (#7-#8). Move the tiny shelves on the east side of the room, and shoot the skulltula behind the little crack (#9). Lastly, find the skulltula in the ceiling crack (#10). Go back to the previous room. Shoot the skulltula on the wall above the staircase (#11). Look up at the ceiling and shoot the skulltula on the wooden board (#12). Shoot a Fire Arrow at the web on the southeast corner of the room and Goron punch the pots to pop out two more skulltulas (#13-#14). Now, go down to the bottom floor. Find the skulltula in the ceiling crack here (#15). Goron punch the pot next to the door to pop out one (#16), then climb up the boxes in the southeast corner and look under the small pot (#17). Shoot a Fire Arrow at the web in front of the hole in the wall and get the skulltula behind it (#18). There is another skulltula on the wall to the left (#19). Go through the door behind the cobweb. Roll into the crate to the right for one (#20), roll into the crate to the left and go through the passage for another (#21). Shoot the skulltula behind the web on the ceiling (#22). Shoot the skulltula behind the board on the north wall (#23). Hookshot to the top floor, and get the skulltula under a small pot (#24). Now go back to the previous room, and go through the other door. Shoot the portraits to find one (#25). Goron punch the pot in a corner for one (#26), and get the one in the ceiling crack (#27). Now, Goron Stomp the table to make the last three fall down (#28-#30). Go back to the first room and roll up the ramp; if it's still the 1st day, the man will give you the Huge Wallet.
Get Heart Piece #34 (Oceanside Spider House)
In the room with the colored masks, shoot the masks in these order: yellow, green, yellow, red, blue, green, to open up a passage. Go through it to get a Heart Piece.
Get Mask of Truth (Swamp Spider House)
In the Southern Swamp, from the top ledge where you learned the Song of Soaring, launch from the huge flowers down to the Swamp Spider House entrance, and uncover it with a Fire Arrow. In the first room, collect bugs under the rocks with your bottles. Go to the next room. Drop down to the left and get the skulltula under the small pot (#1). Lay bugs on the ground beneath the two soft soil spots on the walls; they will release two skulltulas (#2-#3). Get the skulltula in the water nearby (#4), there are also three skulltulas high up on three of the stone columns (#5-#7). From the entrance, go through the door on the left. Roll into brown crates here to find two (#8-#9), and get the one on the north wall (#10). Climb up the ladder and shoot the skulltula on the big center stone tablet (#11). Go around to the door on the top floor and get the skulltula beneath the small pot (#12), then go through the door. Launch across to the other side of the room. Turn right and use bugs to reach the soft soil spot on the wall (#13), then go through the door on the top floor. Drop down and destroy the small pots to the right for one (#14). Goron punch all the huge pots to find two (#15-#16). Look up and shoot the beehives down to find two more (#17-#18). Chop up the vines on the left side, and go through to get a skulltula (#19). Play the Sonata of Awakening in front of the sleeping Deku, then launch up to the top ledge. Shoot the skulltula on the wall (#20), and go through the door on the left. Shoot the skulltula on the stone column (#21), and shoot the beehives down to find another one (#22). There are two more on the wall to the right (#23- #24). Hit the crystal to form a ladder, then climb up it. Plant a Magic Bean at the soft soil spot and grow it, then ride the platform to the door and go through. Look around in the tall grass for two skulltulas (#25-#26). Shoot the beehives to find one (#27), then roll into the tree to pop out the final three (#28-#30). Go back to the first room and get your reward from the man.
Get Circus Leader's Mask (Milk Bar)
Go back to East Clock Town. Use the Romani Mask to enter at past 10 PM. Talk to the Zora near the stage as human Link, Deku Link, Goron Link, then Zora Link. He will have you play a melody as each Link with your instruments. After all four, the Gorman will give you his mask, and you will complete his notebook entry.
Get Heart Piece #35 (Treasure Chest Game)
Go to the Treasure Chest game shop in East Clock Town and play it as Goron Link. Get to the treasure chest to find a Heart Piece.
Purchase All Night Mask (500 rupees) (Curiosity Shop) First, rescue the Bomb Shop owner's mother at midnight on the 1st day. Then, enter the Curiosity Shop on the night of the final day. He will be selling this mask.
Get Heart Piece #36 (Stock Pot Inn)
Enter the Stock Pot Inn at daytime and enter the first door on the right on the bottom floor. Talk to the Anju's grandma while wearing the All Night Mask. Ask her to read you the top story, then answer with the first response to get the Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #37 (Stock Pot Inn)
Ask Anju's grandma to read you the second story, then answer with the second response to get another Heart Piece and complete her notebook entry.
Get Inn Key (Stock Pot Inn)
To begin Kafei's quest, wait until 2 PM of the 1st day and enter the Stock Pot Inn. The postman will give mail to Anju; talk to them as she gets the mail. Talk to Anju afterwards to get an Inn Key.
Get Kafei's Mail (Stock Pot Inn)
Then, talk to Anju while wearing the Kafei Mask. At about 11:30 PM at night, return to the inn through the front or back entrance. Go to the kitchen at the back-right of the first floor and talk to Anju to get Kafei's Mail.
Get Pendant of Memories (Laundry Pool)
Put Kafei's Mail in any mailbox outside. Now, wait until 3 PM of the 2nd day, and go to the Laundry Pool. When Kafei comes out to get mail from the postman, enter his house. When he comes back, talk to him to get the Pendant of Memories.
Get Keaton Mask (Laundry Pool)
Geet Mail Express (Laundry Pool)
Go right back to the Stock Pot Inn and give the pendant to Anju. Now, wait until 1 PM of the final day, and go back to Kafei's house in the Laundry Pool. Inside, the man will give you the Keaton Mask and Mail Express.
Get Sun Mask (Ikana Canyon)
Next, enter Ikana Valley, east of Termina Field. Jump across the gates to the cliff face. Wear the Garo Mask and talk to the creature above, then hookshot up to the top of the cliff. Follow the path to reach the next area. Turn right and go along the ledge. You will find Kafei behind a rock; wear the Stone Mask and wait until 6 PM. Wait until the bandit opens the hideout, and follow Kafei inside. In the next room, Kafei activates the trap. Step on the switch to open the first door. As Kafei, push a block onto the blue switch. As Link, kill the enemies to open the next door for Kafei. As Kafei, avoid all the red switches and step on the blue switch in the corner. As Link, go through and kill the enemies again. As Kafei, push the far right-hand block down, then the center block left, then the south block down onto the blue switch. As Link, kill the enemies. Both Link and Kafei step on the final switches to stop the trap, and Kafei gets the Sun Mask.
Get Bottle #6/Postman's Cap (Milk Bar/East Clock Town)
Now, you can either get a Bottle or the Postman's Cap. To get both, you will have to go back and redo the Kafei quest. To get the bottle, go straight to the Milk Bar after Kafei gets the Sun Mask. Give the Mail Express to Mrs. Aroma while wearing the Kafei Mask to get the bottle. To get the Postman's Cap, go straight to the postman's office. Give the Mail Express to him, and he will deliver the mail to Mrs. Aroma. Talk to him before he leaves town to get the mask.
Get Couple's Mask (Stock Pot Inn)
Now, get to the Stock Pot Inn, and enter the first door on the right on the second floor, where Anju is waiting. At about 4:30 AM, Kafei arrives and they get married. They give you the Couple's Mask.
Get Heart Piece #38 (Mayor's Residence)
Go to the mayor's house in East Clock Town, go through the left-hand door and talk to the mayor while wearing the Couple's Mask. You will get a Heart Piece, and the Bomber's Notebook will be fully completed.
Get Heart Piece #39 (Clock Town)
Wear the Postman's Cap, and check all the mail boxes in the town. One of them contains a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #40 (North Clock Town)
Wear the Keaton Mask, and go over to North Clock Town. At the area with the bushes that move around and disappear, talk to the creature that appears. Answer its questions correctly to get a Heart Piece.
Get Ocean Land Title Deed (Zora Hall)
Go to the second area of the Great Bay, and swim out into the ocean. Dive down and enter the mouth of the huge structure to get to Zora Hall. Go down the corridor to the right, and turn left to get outside. You will find an owl statue here. Go back inside the hall and go through the last door in the hall. Talk to the Deku Scrub inside as Goron Link and give him the Mountain Land Title Deed to get the Ocean Land Title Deed in exchange.
Get Heart Piece #41 (Zora Hall)
Use the Deku flower to reach the Heart Piece in this room.
Get Heart Piece #42 (Ikana Valley)
Near the bandit hideout entrance in Ikana Valley is another Deku Scrub. Give him the Ocean Land Title Deed to get rupees, and you can launch over to the Heart Piece on the opposite ledge.
Get Heart Piece #43 (Zora Hall)
In Zora Hall, enter the room with the band drummer inside. Hookshot up to the top floor and read the book as Zora Link to learn part of a tune. Now enter the room with the band guitarist. Play the tune for him, and he will teach you the second part. Now enter the room with the band leader, the keyboardist. Change to human Link and play the complete 16-note tune in front of the band leader, and he will give you a Heart Piece.
To Great Bay Temple
Outside Zora Hall where the owl statue is, play the New Wave Bossanova. Hookshot to the palm tree on the giant tortoise, and he will take you to the third dungeon.
In the first room, shoot Fire Arrows at the four torches and get the Stray Fairy (#1) from the chest, then go through the door.
Dive down in the water in front of you, and get the Stray Fairy (#2) under the entrance platform.
Swim to the northeast corner of the room, dive down and activate the yellow pump by pulling the lever. Go back and stand on the left-hand rising platform, shoot the skulltula near the rupees and get the Stray Fairy (#3) from it. Then go up the right-hand rising platform, jump across the water spout and go through the door.
Ride the central spinning fan around and hookshot to the platform with the barrels. Goron punch them to find a Stray Fairy (#4).
Dive down to the very bottom of this room and get the Stray Fairy (#5) from the pot (#5).
Swim through the topmost corridor along the current to get to a new room.
Swim up to a platform, hookshot to the chest, and get the map from it.
Shoot the pots on the platform opposite the map to release a Stray Fairy (#6), and use the Great Fairy Mask to get it.
Dive down and boomerang the enemies blocking the passagee, then swim through it.
Kill all the enemies in this room to make a chest appear with a Stray Fairy (#7), then go through the next door.
Jump over and hookshot to the chest, then get the compass from it.
Dive down below the lily pads, and get the key from the chest below.
Swim back up and look at the tunnel with the speeding current, then shoot the pot in the water near the enemies and get the Stray Fairy (#8) from it.
Swim along the current to get back to the big room, then enter the corridor at the very bottom of the chamber.
Swim over to the red pipe and go up it, then go through the locked door.
Go through the next room, kill the mini-boss, and get the Ice Arrows.
Go back to the room with the compass, shoot Ice Arrows to make a platform below the corridor with icycles, jump to it and open the next door.
Defeat the mini-boss and get the Boss Key in the next room.
Return to the central big room, and ride the fan to the ladder on the north side on the top floor. Evaporate the water with Ice Arrows, then climb up the ladder and go through the door.
Hookshot to the barrel on the platform, and make an ice platform below the hole on the ceiling in the northwest corner. Hookshot up to the ceiling and get the Stray Fairy (#9) from the chest.
Drop back down and make an ice platform to get to the platform with the yellow pump lever, and activate it.
Go back to the room with the map, make ice platforms to the door on the upper ledge, and go through it.
Shoot the enemy with an Ice Arrow, use it as a platform to get to the red pump lever, and activate it.
In the central big room, swim back through the corridor on the very bottom, then swim up onto a platform in the next room. Freeze an enemy and use it as a platform to get to the red pump lever, then activate it.
Go all the way back to the first room, with the windmill. Hookshot to the target on the ceiling to the right, ride the now-active water spout up, and push the red turnstile at the top. Then, push the yellow turnstile in the center of the room to reverse the flow of the current.
In the central big room, swim to the very bottom and go along the reverse current through the new corridor.
Go up the green pipe and activate the green pump lever.
Shoot the Stray Fairy (#10) below the platform with this lever, then get the Stray Fairy (#11) in front of the corridor that goes back to the big room, and go through that corridor.
In the central big room, go through the corridor in the middle.
Swim up to the platform, ride the rising platform up, jump onto the spinning fan and onto the platform after that. Look to the right and hookshot to the small alcove to find a Stray Fairy (#12) in a chest.
Get back on the second platform, and onto the ledge at the top. Shoot the waterfall with an Ice Arrow to freeze the fan blade in position. Step on the fan and turn right, then use the hookshot to get to another alcove on the high wall; it contains a Stray Fairy (#13).
Use the stopped fan blade to reach the next door on the top ledge.
Go forward and dive down the hole, roll into the barrel and get the Stray Fairy (#14).
Step on the seesaw at the opposite side of the room and shoot the overhanging icycles with a Fire Arrow to make it rise. Rise up on the next seesaw to get to the green pump switch, and activate it.
From there, go along the green pump to the right as Zora Link, then jump down inside the caged area. Hookshot to the chest and get the last Stray Fairy (#15) from it.
Raise the seesaw near the entrance to get through the other door, back to the room with the map. Go through the corridor directly in front of you to get back to the big room, then go back through the corridor on the bottom.
Jump across the now-active water spout and go through the big door to get to the boss.
Get Double Defense (Great Bay)
After getting all the Stray Fairies, go to the second area of the Great Bay. Use the Hookshot on the trees to get from platform to platform across the water, to a ledge. Bomb the boulder in front of it, go inside and get the Double Defense from the Great Fairy.
Get Heart Piece #44 (Great Bay)
After defeating Gyorg, warp to the Marine Lab. Dive into the water and swim north to the lagoon area, and there will now be a boat near the shores. Step into the boat, and when it approaches the island, hookshot to the palm tree. Talk to the man to play the island jumping game. Win to get a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #45 (Mountain Village)
First, go to the Laundry Pool in Clock Town, wear the Don Gero Mask, and talk to the frog there. Then, go back to the Southern Swamp area. There is a frog on a log in the swamp area near the entrance to the Swamp Palace. Talk to him with the Don Gero Mask also. In the Woodfall and Great Bay dungeons, you faced Gekko monsters. Go back in those dungeons and defeat them, and talk to the frogs that appear afterwards. Finally, defeat Goht in the Snowhead dungeon. When you get warped outside, the fifth frog along with the other four should be in the nearby pond. Talk to them to get a Heart Piece.
Get Gibdo Mask (Ikana Canyon)
Go back to the entrance of Ikana Canyon. Shoot the Octoroks with Ice Arrows and use them as jumping blocks to the opposite platform. Use the trees as hookshot targets to get to the top of the cliff, where there is an owl statue. In this village area, go north, up the ramp on the left side, and enter the cave on the north side of the area along an empty riverbank. Inside, play the Song of Storms to activate the Music House in the village. Approach the girl inside the house, and she will run back inside. Stand far away from the house and wait for the girl to leave the house, and wait for her to walk away. Then, enter her house and go down to the basement. Approach the coffin, and play the Song of Healing in front of the mummy to get this mask.
Get Heart Piece #46 (Ikana Canyon)
On the west side of the village, there is a house with a Poe battling mini- game. Pay 30 rupees, and defeat all the Poes within 3 minutes to get a Heart Piece. Kill them with swords or arrows; when the purple Poe makes copies of itself, shoot the Poe that spins around once after they appear.
Get Mirror Shield (Dried Well of Ikana)
Go up to the top ledge on the west side of the village, and drop down into the well. Wear the Gibdo Mask, and talk to the mummy on the right. Give him 5 Magic Beans to pass. Go forward, talk to the mummy on the right, and give him 10 Deku Nuts to pass. Go forward and talk to the mummy on the left, and give him 10 bombs to pass. Kill the Big Poe and catch it in a bottle, then go back to the mummy who took the Deku Nuts. Talk to the other mummy and give him a fish in a bottle to pass. Go forward and give the Big Poe to the next mummy to pass. Go forward past the spikes, and give Milk in a bottle to the mummy to get to the final room. Light the torches with Fire Arrows, and get the Mirror Shield from the chest.
Get Heart Piece #47 (Ancient Castle of Ikana)
Use the Mirror Shield to shine the sunlight on the sun icon to form a ladder, then shine the light on the blue block. Climb up and go up the ladder to enter the Ancient Castle area. Make sure to have a Powder Keg before coming. Enter through the main entrance while wearing the Gibdo Mask. Unfreeze the golden eye on the top wall to the left, and enter the left door. Hit the crystal and get to the other side of the room, then hit the other crystal and quickly launch to the switch as Deku Link to open the door. In the next room, launch to the switch on the left to open the door. Shoot the skulltulas, use the Lens of Truth to find the invisible platform, and jump across to the opened door. Go through, up the stairs, to the outside of the ruins. Climb up the ledge on the right, and shoot the crystal. Jump to the Deku flower, and launch to the Heart Piece on the ledge.
Learn "Elegy of Emptiness" (Ancient Castle of Ikana)
Get back up to the top ledge on the right side. Walk along the ledge, and use the Deku flower on the ledge to launch to the switch in the middle of the area. Step on it to move a rock, then drop down and re-enter the ruins. Unfreeze the golden eye on the right side, and go through the right door. Use the Mirror Shield to reflect light on the blue block, and go through. Defeat the Wizzrobe, and go up the stairs to the outside. Go over to the gigantic crack in the roof, and lay a Powder Keg on it to create a hole. Drop down, shine the light on the blue block, and go through that path to reach the boss of the area. Shoot both curtains in the room with Fire Arrows to create light. To defeat both the skeleton guards and the king, attack with your sword, and when they collapse, shine light on them with the Mirror Shield. When they are defeated, you learn this special song.
To Stone Tower Temple
From the Ikana village area, leave it to the northeast up the ramp to the Stone Tower area. To make your way to the top of this area, use the Elegy of Emptiness to create up to three copies of yourself- human Link, Goron Link, and Zora Link- to place on switches. These switches move the blocks that, along with the hookshot targets, get Link to the topmost ledge. At the very top, hit the owl statue and create copies of Link on the three switches, then jump across the platforms and enter the dungeon.
Go forward, shoot the golden eye with an arrow, and hookshot to the chest to get a Stray Fairy (#1).
Climb back up the ladder and go through the door to the west.
Clone Zora and human Link on two of the switches, and Goron Link on the large switch. Then, bomb the cracked wall, roll into the big crates and pick up one of the small boxes, and place it on the remaining switch. Go through the opened gate.
Bomb the light-colored floor and drop down to the floor below.
Look up to the right and hookshot to the target, and open the chest for a Stray Fairy (#2).
Go across the lava and get the map from the chest.
Kill the four active Armos Statues in this room, and get the key from the chest.
Go back up the stairs, then go through the locked door.
Swim across, and let the Dexiehand throw you onto the ledge. Throw a bomb at the crystal behind the gate for later, and open the chest for a key.
Swim through the corridor to get to a big water room.
Sink down to the bottom and step on the switch surrounded by spikes to make a chest appear.
Swim up to the surface, go down the pathway and shine light on the mirror with the Mirror Shield, then shine the light from the mirror onto the sun block to make it disappear. Go through and get the compass from the chest.
Go back across the pathway and go through the locked door.
Goron punch the big pillar, then shine light onto the sun symbols on the wall; one of them makes a chest appear with a Stray Fairy (#3).
Shine the light onto the right-hand mirror for about 10 seconds, then reflect the light from the mirror onto the sun block, and get the Stray Fairy (#4) from the chest behind it.
Shine the light onto the left-hand mirror for about 20 seconds, then reflect the light from that mirror onto the mirror after that as long as possible, and reflect that light onto the sun block. Go through the door behind it.
Drop down to the bottom of the next room, Goron Pound the switch, then quickly roll past the air vents to the switch on the other side and step on it to reveal a chest. Climb back up, then use the Deku flower to launch to both the chests containing Stray Fairies (#5-#6), and go through the door at the end.
Kill the mini-boss and get the Light Arrows from the chest.
In the next room, defeat the enemy on the platform, drop down to the right and hit the crystal under the grate with a bomb, then drop to the bottom and get the Stray Fairy (#7) from the chest that appears.
Hookshot back up, and go across the platform to the door.
Defeat the mini-boss, and get the Stray Fairy (#8) from the chest that appears, then go through the door to get back to the first room.
Go back through the door to the west and return to the room with the Dexiehand. Shoot the sun block with a Light Arrow; if you hit the crystal earlier, there is a Stray Fairy (#9) in the chest behind it.
Exit the dungeon, clone a Link on the switch to the right, stand on a block, and shoot the ruby with a Light Arrow to flip the dungeon over.
Re-enter, shoot the sun symbol on the ceiling with a Light Arrow and get the Stray Fairy (#10) from the chest, then go through the door to the east.
Launch across to the v-shaped platform, turn around and shoot the golden eye with a Fire Arrow, then hookshot to the chest that appears for a Stray Fairy (#11).
Use the vents to fly to the very top of the room, to the platform on the right with a switch. Clone a Link on it, launch to the chest on the top, and open it for a Stray Fairy (#12).
Shoot the sun symbol on the wall to make a chest appear, then drop down to the catwalk in the middle. Go down the corridor and step on the switch, then go back and get the key from the chest.
Launch up to the very top, and go through the locked door in the northwest corner.
Shoot the ruby with a Light Arrow to flip the room, go across the lava, flip the room again, and go through the door.
Shoot the ruby to flip the room, push the block on the left to the middle, flip the room, push it to the other side of the room, flip the room again, push the block underneath the switch, flip the room, then push the block onto the switch and go through the door.
Defeat the Wizrobe and hookshot to the chest for a Stray Fairy (#13), then go through the next door.
Launch to the opposite platform and go through the door.
Shoot the spikes to the left and launch to that platform, then to the platform with the door, and go through it.
Defeat the mini-boss and get the Boss Key from the chest.
Go back two rooms, and launch to the left into the alcove.
Find the switch and clone a Link on it, then hookshot to the chest to get a key.
Go back down the alcove, and right through the door to the room before the Boss Key, then turn right and go through the next door.
Jump across and step on the switch, then hookshot to the chest that appears on the ceiling.
Exit the dungeon and flip the dungeon back to normal, then re-enter.
Open the chest in the first room for a Stray Fairy (#14), then go through the door to the east to the big water room.
Dive down to the chest on the platform for the last Stray Fairy (#15).
Exit the dungeon and flip the dungeon again, then re-enter.
Hookshot back up to the chest on the ceiling, and go through the locked door.
Defeat the mini-boss and get the Giant's Mask from the chest, then go through the next door.
Hookshot to the chest on the ceiling, hookshot over the spiked roller, then go through the big door with the Boss Key and drop down the hole to get to the boss.
Get Great Fairy's Sword (Ikana Canyon)
After getting all the Stray Fairies, go back to the Ikana Canyon area. Enter the cave on the ledge east of the Music House, and get the Great Fairy's Sword from the Great Fairy.
Get Heart Piece #48 (Ikana Canyon)
From the owl statue in the canyon, jump down the cliff, and swim into the cave on the right. Go past the waterfall to enter the Secret Shrine. Shoot a Light Arrow at the sun symbol to open the door, and enter. The left-hand door leads to the Dinalfos from the 1st dungeon, then northwest door leads to a Wizrobe, the northeast door leads to the eye monster from the 3rd dungeon, and the right-hand door leads to the Ghost of Garo from the 4th dungeon. Defeat them all and return to the central room for a Heart Piece.
Get Heart Piece #49 (Remains of Odolwa)
You can now enter the final area of the game: wait until midnight of the final day, then enter the clock tower. When you face the Skull Kid, play the Oath to Order. After the cutscene, you will enter the moon. Approach the center tree, and talk to the kid wearing the Odolwa Mask. Give him 1 mask to enter the Remains of Odolwa area. Carefully launch across the Deku flower pads, and launch to the platform in the very northeast corner for a Heart Piece. Launch to the door in the northwest corner to find the kid, and give him 1 more mask to return to the surface.
Get Heart Piece #50 (Remains of Goht)
Talk to the kid wearing the Goht mask and give him 2 masks to enter the Remains of Goht area. Roll across the center of the first platform and across the ramp, then release the A button and bounce off the treasure chests, and stop at the green pots. Go across the bridge, and forward across the next bridge. Roll to the right across the ramp, and follow this ramp-laden path to the Heart Piece at the end. Go back to the four-way bridge, and roll towards the door on the blue platform. Go through to find the kid, and give him 2 more masks to return to the surface.
Get Heart Piece #51 (Remains of Gyorg)
Talk to the kid wearing the Gyorg mask and give him 3 masks to enter the Remains of Gyorg area. Swim into the water, and take the left fork, then the second right fork, then the left fork to reach a Heart Piece. From the start, take the left fork, second right fork, then the right fork to find the kid. Give him 3 more masks to return to the surface.
Get Heart Piece #52 (Remains of Twin-Mold)
Talk to the kid wearing the Twin-Mold mask and give him 4 masks to enter the Remains of Twin-Mold area. Make your way through and defeat the enemies, and you will get Bombchus from a chest after the Iron Knuckle is defeated. Aim the bombchu at the cracked wall, then shoot the golden eye and go through the door. Get the final Heart Piece, then aim a bombchu at the ceiling and shoot a Fire Arrow at the eye to open the last door and get to the kid. Give him your last 4 masks to return to the surface.
Get Fierce Deity's Mask (The Moon)
Now, talk to the kid sitting under the tree. If you have cleared all the other kid's games, this kid will give you the Fierce Deity's Mask, and you will enter the room of the final battle.
Defeat Majora's Mask (The Moon)
If you got the Fierce Deity's Mask, equip it now. Just keep slicing away at the boss forms, and you will destroy them very easily. If you do not have that mask, the final boss is much more difficult. In the first form, avoid its spinning attack and slice it with the sword when it's near the ground. Shoot or slice up the four masks when they detach from the walls. The Incarnation form is basically an easier form of your fight versus Odolwa. The final form, Majora's Wrath, uses tentacle whips to attack Link: Keep at a distance, and shoot Light Arrows at it to stun it, then move in for the kill with your sword.