The Beginning
You'll jump out of bed. Head down the stairs, then go through the right door to talk to Zelda and Master Smith. Master Smith wants you to deliver a sword to the castle for an award ceremony. Once you regain control, open the chest at the top to get 20 Rupees, then leave the house. Follow Zelda to town, and she'll run off. Chase her from attraction to attraction, and she'll win you a nice Shield. Head north to the exit, then continue up. Watch Zelda get beaned by a Deku Scrub, then use your shield to deflect a nut back at it; it'll leave and you can go through.
And The Award Goes To...
Continue north to the castle, then approach the old guy at the top. You'll give him the sword, and the award ceremony will begin. The winner of the competition gets to touch the Picori Blade that keeps evil locked away. Vaati, the winner, comes up and...removes the blade, unlocking the chest of evil. Zelda defends herself with a shield, but Vaati turns her to stone. What he seeks is not in the chest, but it's only a matter of time before he finds it...
The Journey Begins
When you come to, press A to get out of bed. Go through the door to hear about what's going on; you need to take the Picori Blade to the Picori to be repaired. You'll receive the broken blade and the Smith's Sword, as well as a map. Keep going down to exit the castle, then continue down through North Hyrule Field. You'll meet some carpenters at the bottom fixing something, so cut down some trees to the right and continue down through Lon Lon Ranch and the Eastern Hills. At the bottom, head right across the bridge into the Minish Woods.
The Minish Cap
Go right as far as you can in here, then head down at the up/down fork. At the next fork, go up and follow the path until you see a cutscene with a bird-thing. Go a little more left to get a Piece of Heart, then head back to the first fork and defeat the enemies to meet Ezlo. He thinks he can help you. Go down and he'll say to stop; do this a few times and he'll just hop on your head. Continue down and he'll point out a stump that's really a portal to the Picori (real name: Minish) world. Jump on it and press R to shrink.
The World Of The Minish
Head left to the fork and go left through the log. Hop a lilypad to cross the puddle and head north into Minish Village, where the camera comes down to your size. Minish will crowd around, speaking a strange language, then leave. Continually head left and up to the house with a ladder; go a little right of it to find a castle of sorts (which I hereby dub Westminish Abbey). The man inside, Festari, will recommend a Jabber Nut. Leave, then go right, down and right to the Barrel House. Go up to the boxes, then push the front one to the left or right. Go up and get the Jabber Nut; you can now understand and speak Minish.
Prelude To Danger
Go back up to the abbey and head left past it to the ladder house; go in and talk to the elder. To reforge the Picori Blade, you need to collect four elements; he'll put them on your map. Return to the abbey and talk to Festari, who will let you into Deepwood Shrine. Go all the way up to enter.
Deepwood Shrine
If you're low on health, each pot in this room has a heart. Anyway, go up and push the front statue aside, then enter the door. Kill all of the enemies here, then step on the four switches to light the room and reveal a chest with a Small Key; use it to open the locked door. Kill more enemies in the next room, then go up, grab the lever with R, then pull it back to activate a bridge. Go to the mushroom and do the same thing: grab it, pull it all the way back, then let go of the D-pad (but keep holding onto R) and you'll be flung across the room. Go through the door here.
This is the barrel room. Go up the ladder to the right and step on the switch to burn away some vines connected to the barrel. Enter the barrel and go out the other side, then head left and down. Go up another ladder and push the statue on the switch next to it, then stand on the other switch to burn more vines. Enter the barrel again and move straight down; the barrel will rotate until you exit on the lower-left side. Go through the door here.
Defeat the enemy, then pull the mushroom all the way back and fling across the water. Go up the ladder and open the chest for the Dungeon Map, then return to the mushroom, pull it past only one skid mark, then fling to the middle area. Go through the door here, defeat the enemies, then PUSH the pot onto the switch. Go down and through the door, then pull out a statue. Go in and pull both statues onto the switches, then open the chest for a small key.
Return to the barrel room, go into the barrel, and leave via the upper-right exit. Go through the locked door to the right, then use the mushroom to cross the water; pull it only past the skid marks. Hit the switch to activate the bridge, then use the other mushroom to cross the rest of the water. Go through the right door and defeat the enemies, then go around to the right statue. Pull it past the switch, then go to the left statue and push it onto the switch. Go through the door.
Defeat the enemies here for a small key, then the door will open. Go through and climb the ladder here, then go to the end and jump off the right side. Go left and up, defeating the enemies, then go down the stairs. Push a pot onto the left switch, then go to the blocks on the right. Push the right block up, then push the left block left, then open the chest for a Compass. Go back up the stairs and through the left door.
Hit the switch here to open the door to the barrel room, then go through the locked door on the left. This mini-boss, I'm told, is called Madderpillar. To defeat it, slice its head when it's blue, then slice away at the heart on its tail. Avoid it when it's marching around red. Once it succumbs, you'll get the Gust Jar. With this, you can vacuum things up, or shoot a blast of air. If an enemy seems invincible, try sucking it up.
Vacuum the webs on both doors, then go down for a heart piece. Go back and right into the sandy room. Use the Gust Jar to blow away all the sand, then press all of the switches you can find; one will activate a portal. Return to the barrel room. Enter the barrel and rotate it so the web is on a wall, then suck it up. Put the newly-opened hole on the bottom of the barrel, then fall through. Vacuum the lilypad toward you, then get on. You can use blasts of air with the Gust Jar to control where this goes.
Go down the waterfall, then right and up, going right at the fork. Head up to the stairs, then pick up the jars and throw them, but leave one that's not next to any wall. Push it onto the switch to lower the gate, then get back on the lilypad and go past it. Go to the end of the water, then get off the pad and open the chest for a small key. Get on the pad again, then backtrack to the fork and go up this time. Go through the locked door at the end.
Use the mushroom to go up, then vacuum the right mushroom to get across. Vacuum another mushroom, then go down and go to the far right before vacuuming the next mushroom. Open the chest for the Big Key, then step on the lower switch and enter the portal to return to the beginning of the shrine. If you activated the portal in the sand room, go through the portal here to get the Piece of Heart.
Suck up the left web, then go up the stairs and push away the block below the chest to get 20 Rupees. Go back and suck up the other web, then suck up the mushroom to get across, then go down and suck up the mushroom to get across to the Boss Door. Go in, and a Green Chuchu will drop into the boss chamber. Keep going up to fight.
Boss: Big Green Chuchu
To defeat this guy, you need to suck him up with the Gust Jar until his head swells; he'll then wobble until he falls over, then slice away at his head with your sword. This is easier said than done; he's always moving toward you, and sometimes he jumps at you; roll out of the way for those. An effective strategy is to stand next to a pot, so he'll touch the pot and can't touch you. Once you win, you'll get the Earth Element. Grab the Heart Container and enter the portal to return to outside the Shrine.
Bombs Away
Return to Minish Village and talk to the elder in his house. He'll recommend a swordsmith on Mt. Crenel, then open his curtains revealing a door. Leave and go through the log, then enter the Minish house and talk to the guy inside for a Bomb Bag. Leave, then stand on the stump to return to normal size. Inspect the stone up ahead, and it will reveal an odd symbol; do that to all of those you come across. Anyway, cross the bridge and go down, then bomb the rocks there. Go down and cross the bridge to the Eastern Hills.
Go up here and head left, then bomb the rocks in the wall. Go in to get 20 Mysterious Shells, then leave and climb the ladder to the left. Head up and then left into South Hyrule Field. Head left and cut down the trees, then go up into Hyrule Town. A procession will come along, and you'll learn all about Kinstones, subsequently opening an area in South Hyrule Field; go there to get a Piece of Heart. Return to town and head to the dojo in the lower-left area. Train with the guy there, and he'll teach you the Spin Attack. Leave and go up through Hyrule Town, then talk to the guard and show him the Spin Attack to gain passage to the Trilby Highlands.
Dare To Prepare
Go south and climb down the ladder, then bomb the right wall. Go through and use your shield to deflect the Deku Nut and stun the Deku Shrub. Talk to him to buy an Empty Bottle for 20 Rupees. Leave the cave and go up to the sign, then head left, down and left to Mt. Crenel's Base.
The Climb, Pt. I
Climb up the leftmost vine for 20 Rupees, then go to the edge of the water and use your bottle to fill it with water. Sprinkle it on the smallest vine to make it grow, then climb it. Go up, left and down, then go right at the fork and bomb between the fences. Go in and defeat the Chuchus, then climb the ladder and go up to the stone. Bomb the rock to the right of it, then climb on the large stone and press R to shrink. Go past the rock you bombed, then enter the smaller area and make your way to the end. Fill your bottle with Mt. Crenel Mineral Water.
The Climb, Pt. II
Leave and return to normal size, then return to the fork and go left this time. Go into the open cave at the far left and hit the Deku Scrub up for 10 bombs for 30 Rupees, if you need them. Take note of this guy, he wants to fuse Kinstones. Leave, then bomb the other wall slightly to the right and up. Defeat the bats here, then cross via mushroom and kill more bats. Go up the stairs and defeat the enemies (use the Gust Jar to remove their masks and suck them up), then leave via the door on the far right.
The Climb, Pt. III
Defeat the Chuchu, then jump into the whirlwind to glide. Float into another whirlwind, then float onto the ground to the left. Go far left and all the way up, across the bridge. Bomb the wall, then go in and bomb the three stones to get a Piece of Heart, 50 Rupees, and a Kinstone Piece (which you can fuse with the Deku Scrub, opening a place in North Hyrule Field). Go back down and take the other path up, with the ladder.
The Climb, Intermission
Go up and right (suck up all the spikes around here, you'll uncover a crack), then enter the large spiky area enclosed by trees. Suck up the spikes to reveal a portal stone, then grow small. Enter the crack previously revealed to get a red Kinstone piece, then leave and climb up the small vine to the right. Defeat enemies here and cross the path, then go to the end for another Kinstone piece. Leave the cave and go left, then go into the small area before the seed. Go to the end and pick up the seed, then carry it out and put it into the hole. Grow large again, then sprinkle the mineral water on the seed to make it grow. Go up.
The Climb, Pt. IV
Head to the right and cross the small bridge, then suck up the mushroom to get up. Throw the rocks at left, then pull the mushroom all the way right to cross the gap. Jump into the whirlwind, then float into the other whirlwind, then cross to the land on the left. Climb up the ladder and head right, then bomb the bombable wall and buy a Grip Ring from the Deku Scrub for 40 Rupees. Leave and climb down the right wall, then cross the gap via mushroom. Cross the whirlwinds again, then take the left path instead of the ladder. Jump down, then climb up the giant wall (be careful of rocks). At the top, us the mushroom to cross the large gap.
The Climb, Second Intermission
Use the portal to shrink, then go down and go through the small area to the right. Watch out for raindrops, they hurt. Once out, go to the other stone and grow, then push the small rock to the left into the hole. Take the other rock (be very careful not to put it next to a wall) and push it across the rock in the hole, then put it into the hole near the top. Push away the last rock and go down the ladder.
The Cave, Pt. I
Use your Gust Jar to defeat the enemies and get to the other end of this area, and here's a block puzzle. Push the top block in, then push in the lowest of the next blocks. Go down and push the lower block down, then for the set of two, push the lower one left, and the upper one up. Go around to another set of two, then push the lower one right. For the large set of blocks, push the upper one right, then the first and third from the left down, then the second one left. Leave the cave.
The Cave, Pt. II
Defeat enemies here, then enter the right door. Defeat the enemy here, then suck up the pots on the other side of the mushroom, then use the mushroom to cross. Defeat another enemy and go down the stairs. To get to the pots, push up the outer two pots, then push the middle one left or right. Go down to the bridge, lay a bomb, pick it up with R, then throw it across to the switch to hit it. Leave the cave.
The Cave, Pt. III
Break some rocks if you want, then enter the next cave. Carefully push the rock into the hole, then push the statue out of the way and go down the stairs. Here, push the bottom block left, then the block above it up. Go forward to another set of two; push the upper one left and open the chest for a blue Kinstone piece. Leave the cave.
The Peak
Use the stone to get small, then go through the small area to exit into Melari's Mines. Follow the path all the way down and talk to the big boss Melari. You'll leave the Picori blade with him, and he'll let you into the human mines. Go back up to the door blocked by a Picori and talk to him to go through. Use the stone to grow, then inspect the stone and enter the mine.
Cave Of Flames
Go through the right door to encounter walking bombs. You can use these to bomb the wall; strike one twice, then pick it up and put it next to the wall. Go up and use bombs, or your shield (I prefer the latter) to flip them over, then strike with your sword. Open the chest for a Compass, then go through the left door. Pick up the Rupees here, but strike them with your sword first to flush out the imposter. Go down the stairs.
Follow the path to the very end to find a mine cart, then hop in to take a ride to the end of the path. Go left, then throw some pots and defeat some enemies, then continue left and use a bomb enemy to blow up the wall. Go in and defeat all of the mask enemies to reveal a portal; use it to shrink, then go through the upper small door and keep going right, then go down to the hazy room.
Go left, then drop down and get to the portal to grow again. Slice at the flames to get rid of them, then climb up the ladder for the Dungeon Map. Go back down and cross the stones (they crumble) to the chest to the left to get a Kinstone piece, then step on the lower switch to open a door. Once the rocks regenerate, go to the bottom area and go through the door.
Get on the moving stone to cross to the other side, but it'll crumble just the same. Put out the flames here, then attack the armadillos with your sword to have them curl into balls, then slice them into holes. The chest has 50 Rupees, but the key hole is at the top; fill it and throw the pots, then go up the ladder. Jump into the whirlwind, then jump into the lower one, then go around to the ground on the right. Climb the ladder and hit the switch, then push the close block up. Push the chest pillar into the hole, then get the small key from the chest and go through the door.
Go to the right (throw pots) and hop back into the mine cart, then open the locked door at the end and go through. Cross the gap via the track, then slice the switch to change the track. Go back to the cart and jump in to go somewhere new. Go left and defeat the spiked enemies, then go up into the hole, then hop out. Head right across the railroad tracks, then bomb the south wall to get a Piece of Heart. Go back and take the north door.
Jump off the edge here and use your sword (and patience) to defeat some spiky Chuchus. At the end, retrieve the Cane of Pacci from the chest. Go through the left door and stand on the rock, then use the Cane of Pacci on the spiked rock to cross. Fire your Cane at the hole, then get in to fly up to the higher ledge. Hit the switch to open the door and open a portal to the beginning, then go through the door.
Here, use the Cane on the mine cart, then hop in. At the end, push the chest pillar into the hole and get a small key. Hop down again and head all the way left to the portal room, then get back in the cart and return to the portal room. Unlock the north door and go through. In here, grow small, then move deftly past the spike sliders and through the hole. Go to the end and grow, then go back (avoid the moving traps) and flip the cart. Jump in, then hit the switch at the end, then get back in.
At the end, hit the armadillos into the four holes in a row, then pull and push the pillar into the last hole. Hit the switch and go up the ladder, then go up to the very end and hop down the north side to the chest with a Kinstone piece. Push the upper block forward and head down, then use the Cane of Pacci on the hole to get up to a chest with another Kinstone piece. Go right into a hazy room.
You'll have to cross the spiky platforms to go DOWN using the Cane of Pacci. Once on the other side, use the platform to cross to the ledge of pots, then cross five more platforms to get up into the next room. Go up the ladder, then go up and jump to the left. To the right is a Kinstone piece, but otherwise, use the Cane on the upper hole and hop across to the left pit. Use the Cane on this hole, then jump into the whirlwind and go up and right into the next room.
Jump into this whirlwind and go down and to the left to the next ledge. Follow the path back to the lava room, then use the whirlwind to go to the lower-right corner. Use the Cane on the hole, then hop into the whirlwind and go down to get 100 Rupees from a chest. Go back up and get back into the whirlwind, then go left to fiery ground. Kill the flames, then use the Cane on the hole to get up. Hop into the whirlwind, then go into the next whirlwind, then so on around the wall, counterclockwise somewhat, to the large chest in the middle of the room with the Big Key. Hop forward and hit the switch to open a portal to the beginning, then cross the Boss Door and go in. Put a fairy from the pot into your bottle, then drop down the hole.
Boss: Gleerok
To defeat this guy, you need to hit his body with the Cane of Pacci until he falls, then cross his neck and slice away at his body. Once it sinks, quickly cross back to ground, then the lava pool will rise, then fall again. Just run away to avoid the fire. Eventually, Gleerok will be done, and you'll get the Fire Element. Get the Heart Container and go through the portal back outside.
The White Sword
Return to Melari and talk to him to receive your newly-forged White Sword. He'll tell you about a sanctuary that allows you to forge the sword with the elements, then recommends a shortcut for descending the mountain. Go outside and grow, then drop down into the hole, then head right and climb down to the bottom of the mountain. Head right to the Trilby Highlands, then head right and up across the bridge. Go right into North Hyrule Field, then use the Cane of Pacci on the hole above and hop up. Slice the switch to make a bridge appear, then head across it and go up into Hyrule Castle.
Fusion Ha!
Go forward to the large looping corridor, the take either stair down. Go to the other side, then go up through the door. Go forward into the Elemental Sanctuary, then continue all the way forward to the pedestal. Go to the back and climb up to the slit, then drop the sword in to infuse the elements into it. A tablet will appear, and Ezlo will read it; once done, charge the sword and keep it charged as you walk across the glowing panels to leave an image of you behind; this is sort of a temp you. Go all the way down to more glowing panels and create a double with the two inner panels, then step on the switches to open the door. Go through and leave the castle.
It's A Long Story
Once you get to North Hyrule Field, Vaati will appear, and strange dialogue will ensue. You'll end up trapped in an area with two Moblins; slice their backs or sides to hurt them and defeat them. Ezlo will begin explaining; Vaati and he are both Minish, and Ezlo was once a great craftsman. His apprentice, Vaati, took his wish-granting hat one day and became a great sorcerer, turning Ezlo into a hat.
Moving On
Castor Wilds is the area on your map in the lower-right corner. Head through Hyrule Town and go to the Dojo, and Swiftblade will teach you to break pots with your sword. Go through the left gate (like you took to get to Mt. Crenel) and go down to where you got the bottle from the scrub. Use the clone technique on any two vertical panels, then push the block all the way forward. Go up the ladder and bomb the north wall to get a Kinstone piece. Head down, right and down into the Western Wood. Once you do, Vaati will appear in the castle and, I guess, impersonate the King of Hyrule and demand his soldiers to bring him the light force.
An Errand Or Two
Head back to Western Wood and follow the right wall, then push a rock into a hole to get to South Hyrule Field. Go up into Hyrule Field and enter the shoe store; the owner will fall asleep when you enter. Use the pot in the corner as a portal to shrink, then climb up the tiny stairs to his counter. Talk to some Minish to find that you need to wake up Rem, the owner, with the help of some lady named Syrup.
Go to North Hyrule Field, then go right to Lon Lon Ranch and head down to where Talon is. Use the stump behind the house to shrink, then go into a hole next to the front door. Grow inside, then break the pots to find the Lon Lon Ranch Key. Shrink and leave, then grow outside and give Talon the key. He'll allow you free passage through his house to Lake Hylia. Go inside and through the right door, then go outside.
The Long Way
Head up and left and enter a cave. Make two of you on the panels to push the block in and open the chest for 50 Rupees. Go up the ladder, then jump off the right ledge. Continue right, then go north as soon as you can. Go up and left to a hole near a wall; use the Cane on it and hop up. Use the stump to shrink, then cross the bridge to the right and fall into the hole for a Kinstone piece. Go back and grow, then hop into the whirlwind and float down. Go to the next whirlwind and float down, then continue on to Lake Hylia.
The End Of The Road
Head south into Minish Woods and then take a right at the ladder; go up and into the house at the end. Pick up the mushroom inside and talk to Syrup to buy it for 60 Rupees. Return to Hyrule Town and enter the shoe store, then use the mushroom on Rem. He'll give you the Pegasus Boots. Head now to Swiftblades' dojo to learn a new Dash Attack.
Return To Castor Wilds
Make your way back to Castor Wilds and use the Pegasus Boots to charge left, then charge down to another area. Go left, then up, and enter the cave. Kill the snakes and break the pots here, then go down the stairs. Go through this room and enter the next to battle a Darknut (or Iron Knuckle, if you prefer). Charge through him, then turn around quick and strike his back. Once you win, you'll get a gold Kinstone piece.
Madame Bowvary
Leave the cave and climb the vine to the left. Cross the upper bridge, then go down the vine. Head left and use the Pegasus Boots to get across the quicksand. Use the stump to shrink, and go through the log and enter the small area. Use the Gust Jar to maneuver the lilypad to the other side, then fall into the hole on the other side. Defeat the enemies here to receive the Bow.
Another Gold Piece
Return to normal size and return to the mainland, then climb the vine you went down before. Cross the right bridge, then go down the vine. Fire an arrow into the statue's eye to awaken it, then do it three times more to defeat it. Cross to the next patch of land, then enter the cave and get the next gold Kinstone piece.
Yet Another Gold Piece
Leave the cave and go all the way down, then push the rock into the hole to return. Climb up the vine again, then cross the left bridge and cross all of the bridges to find another statue. Do the same thing to it, then continue on the a chest with a green Kinstone piece. Ignore the Rupees, they're imposters; instead, jump off the left ledge. Follow the dry ground down until you get to the tombstone, then cross the quicksand to the right. Destroy the wind statue, then destroy the eye statue. Climb up the vine and cross the bridge, then jump into the whirlwind and head down-left. Enter this cave and get the third gold Kinstone piece.
Kinstone Fusion Ha!
Leave the cave and push in the boulder to the left, then cross the quicksand to the left (stay near the bottom) to find three statues. Fuse your gold Kinstone pieces with them to open the path to the Wind Ruins.
Wind Ruins
Climb the steps and bomb the wall for a blue Kinstone piece. Go further to find a statue; touch it to make it move, then hack away to defeat it. Shrink at the stump, then fall into the hole for a red Kinstone piece. Leave and enter the statue, then hit the switch inside. Leave and return to normal size, then defeat the statue. Go past and push the boulder into the hole, then continue on past the enemies and up the ladder. Defeat all the enemies to remove the statue and continue.
Continue up and defeat more enemies, then defeat the surprise enemy from the ground. Climb the steps and defeat all the enemies in the next area, then shrink, turn on the statue, grow and defeat it. Defeat the rest of the enemies here, then go to the next area and defeat the statues here. Open the chests that are revealed for goodies, then shrink via the stump and deactivate the last statue. Continue through the rest of the area to the Fortress of Winds.
Fortress Of Winds
Take the first door to the right and go up the stairs, then slice the skulls and pull the lever to make a chest with a Kinstone piece appear. Open the other chest for another piece, then pull the lever to open the door.
Go up the ladder in this room, then go through the next door. Go left here and slice the skulls, then destroy the statue. Duplicate yourself with the two farthest-apart panels, then go hit the switches in the other room. Go through the door. Use the portal to shrink, then go back and activate the statue, then use the other portal and push the block out. Destroy the statue and pull out the lever, then drop down the hole as Minish.
Go right and use the portal to get the Piece of Heart, then push down one of the blocks on the left and leave. Return to the one room to get the key, then go back and go through the leftmost door. Go up the stairs, then defeat the enemies here and go up. Slice the skulls, then fire an arrow into the eye to open the door; go through and defeat the enemies, then go down.
Slice at all the Rupees here to flush out imposters, then go up the ladder. Get on the up/down moving platform, then move to the left/right moving platform. While you're on this, shoot both eyes, then go through the newly opened door. Duplicate yourself on the panels and hit the switches, then shoot the statues to get the Compass.
Go back and get on the left/right platform, then get on the right up/down platform. Shoot both eyes and go through the door, then clear all the skulls here and duplicate yourself on two vertical panels. Push the top block out all the way, then duplicate yourself on two horizontal panels and push the block the rest of the way. Pull the lever out to have a small key drop; follow it down.
Leave this room and go through the door one to the right. Defeat the skeletons, then destroy a statue going up. Go up the steps to get the Dungeon Map, then go up and go through the left door. Get on the moving platform and move to avoid the blocks. Go up the steps at the other end, then wait for the Wallmaster to fall to destroy it. Fire an arrow into each eye to extend the bridge, then go across.
In here, approach the other door to make a Darknut appear. Defeat it, then grab the Kinstone piece and go through the south door. Run counterclockwise around this next room on the inside loop, then hit the switch, then go through the door. Follow the ledge to the next room, then place a bomb where the decorated floor is. You'll pick up the Mole Mitts in this room, which lets you dig through that large block wall material.
Go back and head to the right of the ledge, then jump off and head through the locked door on the right. Here, pull out the lever to extend the bridge, then use the Pegasus Boots to dash across. Go up the steps and destroy the Floormasters in the next room to reveal a Minish portal, then go to the next room.
Go between the spike rollers at the bottom, then go up the other side. Destroy the skulls, then take the statues and put them on the upper-left and lower-right switches. Go up to the top and defeat the snakes, then duplicate yourself on the very top and very bottom panels. Stand on the open switches to drop a small key; pick it up and go back between the spiky rollers, then go back to the previous room and go Minish, then return and go through the south door.
Go left, then enter the Minish passage, then use the portal to grow. Hit the switch to make a key appear, then dig through with the Mole Mitts to get it. Go back and climb down the steps and become big, then destroy the Floormasters. Go right and go through the south door, then dig through this room and climb the ladder. Go forward through the door.
Defeat all the enemies here, then go through the locked door and fall into the hole on the right. Open the chest for the Big Key, then push the block and drop off the left edge. Go up the steps and fall back into the Dungeon Map room, then go through the south door. Dig around the statue and push it onto the switch, then grab the Kinstone piece and climb the ladder.
Dig your way to this door and go through, then push the upper-right block into the wall to create a teleport. Go through the boss door, then break the skulls for hearts and such, then go through the door.
Boss: Mazaal
His hands will try to flatten you; you need to fire three arrows at each one to stop them. After that, use the Minish portal, then go into Mazaal's head and slice at the weak pillar with your sword. Once it crumbles, you'll be escorted out. Grow big to start the process again. On subsequent returns to Mazaal's head, he'll have a bunch of wall material to dig through.
Once he goes down, get the Heart Container, then go up the stairs and check out the tablet at the far end; a bird will drop the Ocarina of Wind. You'll appear at the entrance to the Fortress of Winds.
No Talking
If you uncovered the marker, you can now fly to Lake Hylia with the Ocarina of Wind. Use the stump there to shrink, then enter the little Minish house and talk to the guy inside about the Temple of Droplets; looks like someone who once got inside resides in Hyrule Town. Head there and enter the library (upper-left area). Head to the second floor and talk to the old guy, then go through the south door and use the Cane on the vase to flip it. Shrink and head inside, then approach the man's feet. Talk to the Minish there, then go out and return to normal size. Go talk to the left librarian at the entrance to find who has it.
Book I
Leave and fill a bottle with water from the river, then go into the house to the right of the building with Rupees on top. Pour the water on the fire in the fireplace, then flip the nearby vase with the Cane and use it to shrink. Enter the fireplace, then cross the plank to the other house and enter the chimney. Climb up the small ladder to the left, then go over to the book and push it off the shelf. Go back and grow, then get the book and return it to the librarian.
Book II
Legend of the Picori is also missing. Get some more water, then head to the building in the center with tea on top. Flip the vase with the Cane and use it to shrink, then leave via the small entrance. Head left and cross the small bridge, then go north and enter the house with the purple roof. Enter the Minish hole here, then talk to the guy to learn of a cool item. Leave the house and talk to the dog to get him to move, then enter the back of the wooden house below the scholar's and use the vase to return to normal size. You now have free easy access to this part of town.
Book II II
Enter the scholar's house normally and talk to the guy (Dr. Left) to find he doesn't have the book. Pour your water in the fireplace, then leave and don't come back until you shrink. Enter the fireplace to leave, then go north and enter the next house you see, then leave via the back exit. Go left and down and cross the river, then cross the yard while avoiding the cats (small crack at the top lets you in). Go down the vine and enter the small area.
- Book II III-
Kill all the enemies in this room, then go right and defeat more enemies. Use the Cane on the hole, then hop in and launch. Go into the door, then defeat all of the enemies and grab the Power Bracelets. Leave this place and return to Dr. Left's house (as Minish); push the left bookcase to the left, then the right one to the left as well. Climb up the small steps and cross the bookcases into the hole, then head down and to the left. Use your Gust Jar to suck up dust and reveal some glowing panels; duplicate yourself on vertical panels, then stand on the other end of the falling book off to the right to make it fall. Return to normal size and bring the book back.
Book III
You also need A History of Masks, checked out by the mayor. His house is to the right of the large bell in the center of town; go in and talk to him, then put the Pegasus Boots on and charge the wall with masks on it so that all the masks fall. Flip the vase with the Cane and shrink, then go up the stairs and enter the Minish hole. Talk to the guy to find that the book is somewhere near the lake, marking the place off on your map.
- Book III II-
You remember Syrup? The witch that gave you the Wake-Up Mushroom? Go toward her hut in the Minish Woods (see section 2.32 for directions); don't go up the ladder to her house, but instead, use the Mole Mitts on the obstructed cave entrance. In here, dig around until you get to a ladder (there's also a Kinstone and a Kinstone fusion panel around), then go up. Go down the ladder at the next area, then go behind the cabin and use the Pegasus Boots to ram the sparkling tree to reveal a portal.
Shrink and enter the house via the back way (use the Gust Jar on the lilypad). Once inside, use the lilypad in here to get across, then push the rightmost bookcase at the left of the cabin to the right. Climb up the revealed ladder, then push the book off of the bookshelf. Return the book to the library, and the bookshelf will be refilled.
The Trial
Shrink with the vase on top of the library, then go back to the bookshelf and talk to the Minish there to get 50 Rupees. Climb the right book to fuse Kinstones, then go back and climb the left book and follow the path to the elder's book. Talk to the elder and he'll drop you into a trial area. Here, push out the lowest left block, then push down the one below it. Defeat the enemies in the next area, then use the Gust Jar on the mushroom to cross. Defeat more enemies, then enter the door. To defeat these guys, slice away at their backs, or when they fling their pincers. Once they're done, grab the Flippers. Jump in the water and swim all the way down back to Hyrule Town, then return to the mayor's cabin at Lake Hylia and swim north and west to an icy area - the entrance to the Temple of Droplets.
Temple Of Droplets
Go down the steps onto the icy floor. Carefully go around to the north end (push a block out of the way) and go through the door. Here, watch for flying pots and the energy balls from the torches; go right, defeat these enemies and go down the stairs. Push the switch to the left to make the sun shine, then go back upstairs and fall into the hole. Rush the key block into the light (down, then right) to melt it, then grab the small key.
Go back to the room with the locked door and go through it, then fall into the hole. Head right to find some ice blocks. Take the upper block and push it left, then push the lowest block down and left. Take the big key block and push it left, up, left, down, left, up, right. You'll get the Big Key. Push the switch up, then return to the Boss Door and go in.
You'll find the Element here, trapped in ice. Head down and go through the left door, then head down to get the Dungeon Map. Go back up and dive into the water (dive to avoid the spike log) and follow the water to the end. Defeat the enemy, go up the ladder, dive into the water and head right, then down, to the end. Get out and suck up the mushroom to cross, then hit the switch to lower the gate. Go into the waterfall to, um, fall.
Go down from here (dive to avoid the spike log), then head left and hit the switch to lower the gate. Swim right to the next area, and then go in the rock enclosure shaped like a pot. Dive and move along the center of it to find a small key. Head back to the waterfall and climb back up. Push the block out of the way and head up, then go through the locked door.
Head down and hit the switch, swim to the lilypad and use it to go up in the water. Follow the water to the waterfall and go down again, then head back to the pot-rock room (you'll have to get off the lilypad and dive to avoid the spike log). Get to the switch and hit it, then get back on the pad and continue right all the way to Madderpillar; defeat it, then go through the door to get the Compass.
Go back to the lilypad and go left, then up. Go over and hit the switch, then continue up on the pad. Continue all the way to the gate, then get off onto the ice. Here's a block puzzle if I ever saw one. Take the highest block and push it down, then take the block it hit and push it left. Take the block above the switch and push it left, then push the block that is now right below it up. Take the block immediately left of the switch and push it left, then push the block right of it left onto the switch.
Get back on the lilypad and follow the water path to the end (the chest has 50 Rupees), then go through the door. Head up and through the door in here, then go up the ladder and up the stairs. Defeat these enemies to activate a teleport, then go through the next door. Head over to the switch, then duplicate yourself on the panels to push the switch and let the sun shine in. Go down and through the newly-opened door.
Go up through another door, then get a Kinstone piece and head right. Head down across the ice (you can get another Kinstone) and carefully enter the circle of spike sliders. Carefully exit left to go into the next room, then head into the next room and go down two sets of stairs. Push this lever up, then go back up the stairs and push that other switch. Go back down the stairs and push the switch to melt the ice and get the key. Go back up to the locked door and go through.
In here, push the switch to unleash the Big Blue Chuchu. He's like the Big Green Chuchu, except you shouldn't vacuum when he's emitting electricity. Once you defeat him, you'll get the Flame Lantern. Head back to the other room and use the Lantern to melt the ice blocks and go down the stairs.
Melt all the blocks here (100 Rupees in the chest) and go through the door. In this room, you can light torches if you want, but they go black so quick it's hardly worth it. Just turn on your Lantern and fight the enemies like that. When you're done, enter the next room.
It's a maze. Take the lowest path and light the torch at the end to remove a block, then go along that new path. At the fork, go left at the fork for a chest, but you should go right. Light the torch to remove the block, then continue along that path, ignoring the next split. Go straight to find a bombable wall; bomb it, then defeat the enemies inside to get a small key.
Go back and take the path up, then continue up and follow this path to a torch. Light it, then head back and go past the block. Continue to the last torch and block, then go through the locked door. Continue through this room (try to avoid the flame snakes), then go up into this room and through the north door. Go through the next door and head left underneath the platform. Go through the next door, to the blocks and panels.
Duplicate vertically and push the upper block all the way left, then duplicate horizontally and push the lower block down. Go left and duplicate horizontally, then push the left block down only one space. Duplicate vertically and push the first block right, then go through the door.
In this room, head to the ice block to the left and push it down, then push it left onto a switch. Head back to the glowing panels and duplicate yourself on the top or bottom of each set, then use the two of you to press the other switches. Head through the door.
In here, take the upper-right block and push it up, then go through the door. In here, your view will be mainly obscured by a bridge above. Defeat the enemy, then melt the block and duplicate vertically. Use those to push the block below out of the way, then head down and go up the ladder. Quickly light all nine torches to open the door, then go through.
Here, swim down avoiding the logs by diving and timed running. At the bottom, go through the door and defeat the enemies. Hit the switch to activate the teleport, then bomb the wall and go in. Burn the web with the Lantern, then defeat two Madderpillars. Go through this door and follow the whole path back to a switch; duplicate yourself to push it, then the Element will thaw, as well as the boss. Stock up on hearts and junk, then follow the boss to fight.
Boss: Octorok
When Octorok shoots boulders at you, use the shield to deflect them back. Once he freezes with the floor, go around to his tail and burn it with the Lantern. It'll be hard, since he's following, but if you reverse direction as he closes in, you may have the time. After that, avoid falling rocks, then the process begins again. Run away when he vacuums. At some point, he'll darken the room, so take out your Lantern.
Once he is defeated, you'll receive the Water Element. Get the Heart Container and enter the portal to return.
Zelda Gear Solid
As you leave, the ghost of a former king will point out a point on your map to go to. Head back to Hyrule Castle Garden; we need to fuse the third element. We've got guards, though, on our case. Head to the lower-left area and sneak past the guards in this area. At the end, slice away at the bushes and go down the ladder. Follow this path to the end, then hit the switch to enter Hyrule Castle.
Third Element Fusion Ha!
Go up and enter the Elemental Sanctuary, then continue and infuse your sword with the Water Element; you can now duplicate yourself three times (triplicate, from here on out). Leave the castle and head to North Hyrule Field. Go left to a bombable rock and a sign; bomb the rock, then go down the ladder. Triplicate yourself vertically, then push the block away. Go up the next ladder and continue north and west to Royal Valley.
Royal Valley
For the first part, follow the very straightforward path to the four-path area. In each area, go the direction indicated on the sign. Once you're out, head up and left until you reach a house. Go inside and talk to Dampe to get the Graveyard Key, only to have it stolen once you leave. To find it, inspect trees with your lantern; if one has the key, ram it with Pegasus Boots, but don't get too close before you ram. Head back to the graveyard gate and talk to Dampe to open it.
Royal Graveyard
Go up to a tombstone and push it forward, then head left and slice all the rocks. Triplicate yourself, then head left (Across the pushed grave), up and right to three switches. Go forward to enter the Royal Crypt.
Royal Crypt
Kill the mummies to get the small key, then go up and use the left mushroom. Unlock the middle door (the others will flatten you). Head left in this room and triplicate yourself as the moving platform comes along. Move left and right to avoid losing your clones, then hit the three switches to get a key. Head back and go to the other side of the room. Triplicate yourself, then move carefully to the other side, avoiding the spike slider. Step on the switches to get a key.
Return to the center of the room and unlock the blocks. Kill the snakes in the next room, then continue to the next room. Light all four torches, then defeat the mummies while avoiding the torches' energy balls. Go through the door and go up to the tombstone to talk to Gustaf. He'll give you a gold Kinstone piece.
Veil Falls
Head back to the bridge leading to Hyrule Castle Garden, then go right. Bomb the two rocks there and head up to Veil Falls. Go north on the bridge and fuse Kinstones with the door, then go in. You'll have to light your torch in here; carefully make your way to the right side and go up the stairs. Exit this door and climb the wall to the right. At the top, inspect the Wind Crest to get another warp point, then enter the cave to the north. Go up the stairs here, then take the 100 Rupees and leave via the right exit. Climb up the wall to Veil Springs, then enter the vortex to go to Cloud Tops.
Cloud Tops
Head right and enter the red vortex to go up, then get the gold Kinstone piece from the chest. Fall into the right hole, then take the upper red vortex up. Take the Mole Mitts and dig through clod, then fall through the upper hole. Down here, fuse Kinstones with the cloud and go back up. Go down and enter the vortex, then fly left into another vortex, then fly to the left platform and fall into the hole.
To kill the cloud fish, slice away when they leap out. Once they're both gone, get the gold Kinstone piece and go back up. Dig through the wall to get to another vortex; head left to another platform and dig through the walls to find 100 Mysterious Shells and green and gold Kinstone pieces.
Hop into the vortex and go down, then dig through the wall and fall into the hole. Use the Bow to defeat the Lakitu-like enemy (what is he doing here?), then go up and fuse Kinstones with the cloud. Go back and go up, then use the vortex to go down and left along the path. Dig through the wall for some goodies and fall into the hole. Go up and kill the Lakitu enemy, then fuse Kinstones.
Hop into the red vortex and get the gold Kinstone piece, then go back and take the right red vortex. Fall into the right hole and kill the cloud fish for another gold Kinstone piece. Go into the nearby red vortex and get the 50 Mysterious Shells, then go into the vortex and head down and right. Dig into the wall to find a hole to fall into.
Hop into the red vortex, then fall into the upper hole. Fuse Kinstones here, then go back up via red vortex and hop into the regular vortex above. Go up and left and up to another platform, then dig through the wall and jump into the next vortex. Head up, then right, then down. Fall into the hole to return to the beginning of Cloud Tops.
Fuse Kinstones here to create a huge vortex (which two people will use to return home). Hop in and inspect the Wind Crest, then enter the house. On each floor, go through the regular door to get Kinstone pieces, then go up the stairs. Go up to the fourth floor in this manner, then go through the door and talk to the woman. She will talk of the Wind Tribe, and how they came up here, then let you into the Palace of Winds. Go back and enter the staircase the youth was in front of, then enter the large vortex to enter the palace.
Palace Of Winds
Head into the next room (in this open dungeon, any place where there's an abrupt camera shift counts as another room) and slice the orb to make the bridge appear. Go across the next two bridges, then slice the next orb and cross another bridge. Here, push forward the center block and push the right block off the edge. Slice the orb and cross the bridge, then shoot the next orb with an arrow. Triplicate yourself on three touching panels, then push the large block forward on the other side of the bridge. Enter the next room.
In here, get on the moving platform and stay on until you reach the other side - somewhat annoying. Go up the stairs in the next room, then take nothing but left turns on the wire mesh to your next room. Go down the stairs and head down, then shoot the orb with the bow. Cross the bridge, then carefully avoid the spike log and slice the orb. Lay a bomb next to it, then cross the bridge before it explodes. Go to the next platform.
Defeat the Wizrobes here by slicing them before they disappear. Once you defeat all twelve, you'll get Roc's Cape, which lets you jump far. Jump from the left edge holding A to fly up to the cloud. Keep jumping (remaining in one spot) up to another room. Jump to the platform, then jump right into another room.
Push the block in front of you down, then the next two above you up. Push the final top one right, then triplicate yourself on the bottom row of panels. Stand above/between the four switches below and swing your sword to hit them, then defeat the spike enemies and go through the door.
Here, you'll have to get past some fans as you go up; wait for them to turn off before going. Once you get to the top, jump off to the right platform with Roc's Cape before the fan turns back on. Head back down, carefully as before. At the bottom, wait for the fans to turn off, then head in front of the bottom fan. When it blows, the block will stop you. Once the fans turn off again, use the Cane on the hole and jump in (may take two turns). Head onto the wire mesh to the next room.
Jump on the panel with the cape to flip it over and go down. Slice at the Rupees to find the imposter, then Cape jump through the panel. On the next panel, Cape jump when the moving platform is underneath, then get back off under the other panel. Go down the steps and jump up the clouds to the next room.
Triplicate vertically as the platform approacheth, then move out of the way for the blocks. At the end, climb the stairs and push away the big block, then head south into the next room. Push off one of the blocks to the right, then get on the moving platform when it comes by. To avoid the blocks, Cape jump from platform to platform. When they stop, jump to the stationary platform, then jump through the panel and go into the next room.
Cross this room by jumping through panels and traveling the moving panels. In the next room, jump down through the panel and go up to a spiky log area; avoid it by ducking into holes. Use the Cane on the one on the right and hop up to the platform. Go down the steps, then triplicate on the upper-left, lower-left and lower-right panels; when you swing your sword, the switches will activate a Minish portal.
Shrink, then go through the small passage. Here are the pots:
P P P 4 B,
9 65 3B1,
P P P P B,
8 7 P 2
1) Push pot 1 down and off.2) Push pot 2 left.3) Push pot 3 up.4) Push pot 4 up.5) Push pot 5 down.6) Push pot 6 left two spaces.7) Push pot 7 down and off.8) Push pot 8 left.9) Push pot 9 up.
Go through the passage, then go up and through another passage. Go up and return to normal size, then go back down and shoot the switch with an arrow; grab the key and go through the door. Cape jump across the gap, then head down and left, then through the locked door. Jump up the clouds to the next room.
Avoid or defeat the Moblins and head left into another room. When the fans have stopped, head to the edge of the bridge and Cape jump across. Go up the stairs to some blocks. Push the center front block left, then the right middle block right. Jump across the spike sets, defeating Blue Chuchus, then go down the stairs and Cape jump when the fan turns on to make it across the gap. Go up to the next room.
Jump across the platforms, killing or avoiding Lakitu enemies (I prefer the latter), into the next room. Jump up the clouds, then Cape jump across the gap to the other side. Go up the steps and defeat the Moblins on the wire mesh, then get the blue Kinstone piece. Go back to the platform you landed on, then jump right. Cape jump on more clouds, then Cape jump across this large gap. Jump up these clouds to the next room.
Defeat the enemies here, then go in the south door. To defeat these enemies, you have to slice when they throw the ball, or maybe use your bow. If you managed to get the Boomerang like I didn't, this would conceivably be easier. If anyone can think of another way to defeat them that isn't a huge pain and doesn't make me go through the temple four more times, drop me a line.
They'll give you 100 Rupees and a small key, so go through the door. Defeat the skeletons here, then go through the left door. In this room, push a pot on one switch (throw the pots around it), then triplicate yourself to correspond with the remaining switches and step on them. Go through the door, then step on the switch in this room and Cape jump across the gap with fan assistance. Approach the door on the other side, then defeat the Moblins and Wizrobes, then go through.
Jump across the gap in this room, then enter the next door. Hit the switch and Cape jump across, then push the block in front of the chest to the left. Get the key, then push away the block in the right corner. Go through the locked door and grab the Big Key, then head right to the Boss Door and go through.
Destroy the skulls for hearts, then do a regular jump off the edge to land on the platform below. Defeat the Darknut here (Pegasus Boots/knock him off edge?), then cross the new bridge and enter the door. Head right and go up the stairs to get the Compass, then take the same stairs on the left side to a new floor.
Go up to a new room, then right into a new room. Fall down the center hole to get a key, then go back to the first room and take the south door. Use the Gust Jar on these enemies, then duplicate yourself on the left, right and middle panels. Head down and stand between the switches, then swipe your sword to open a door. Go through.
In this room, use the Cape to jump over the logs and get the key at the end. Head right and jump off, then go through the locked door. Head down and Cape jump into the vortex, then use them to get across to the right. In here, go up and Spin Attack the switches to open the door, then go back and up the stairs.
Head up in this room and go through the door. Defeat the Wizrobes in here to receive the Dungeon Map, then go in the next room and destroy the Floormasters. Pull the lever to open the door and go through. Defeat the enemies in here, then go up the stairs. Head left and up, defeating enemies, then push some blocks in the hole and Cape jump across. Go up into the door for a Piece of Heart, then go back and fall into the hole.
Go back up to that room and head right, then shoot the bomb thing with an arrow when it's near the cracked rocks. Cape jump across and head right and up, then light the torches to create a portal. You can go back and get fairies if you want, but otherwise go through the locked door.
Defeat the mummies here, then bomb the wall and go through. In here, defeat the Wizrobes, then bomb the upper part of the left wall. Go in and bomb the rocks, then go through the door. In this room, carefully go around the bombs without hitting them or the switch, then at the dead end, push up the one block, then push the block to the left of it left. Go through the door and get the key from the chest, then go back through the bomb room and stand on the cracked panels in the room before it to fall through.
Go through the locked door and follow the weird path, defeating enemies, to the lower-right of the maze. Push the blocks next to the fancy tiles off the edge and jump to the other platform, then go up and jump up the clouds to a boss door. Go through and destroy the skulls for hearts, then enter the vortex.
-- Boss: Gyorg Pair --
You'll start on the back of a blue Gyorg. When you pass over a red one, fall onto it, then triplicate when its eyes open and slice away at them. Once they're gone, fall back onto a blue one and slice at the eye when it opens. Jump over the tail if it attacks. Repeat this process a few times (enemies will appear, with energy balls) to defeat them.
Once you are victorious, you'll get the Wind Element and a Heart Container. Enter the portal to return.
The Final Fusion
Before you do this, do whatever extras you want to get done, because you're not heading back. Get yourself back to Hyrule Castle Garden and take the sneaky route in the lower-left corner back to the Elemental Sanctuary. Drop your sword to receive the final element and restore the Picori Blade to the Four Sword. The sword will open a doorway to another part of the sanctuary that will tell you where the power of Hyrule lies - in Zelda. Vaati will thank you for this information, and knock you out. When you come to, backtrack to the entrance to the sanctuary to find three people turned to stone. Use a Spin Attack on them to fire a beam that will revive them, then return to Hyrule Castle to find...Dark Hyrule Castle.
Dark Hyrule Castle
Go left and up the stairs, then defeat the Moblin and head up to the next room. Carefully navigate the moving fire to get to the top, then head up and defeat the skeletons. Bomb the right wall and go in, then use the portal to shrink and go back to the rotating fire room. Fall down into the hole and go up, then go through the small tunnel and use the portal to grow. Stand on the switch to open the cell doors, then go to the cell to the right and free the King from the stone. He'll give you a small key.
Go up the stairs and head down to the rotating fire room. Quadruplicate yourself on the tiles and push the block down, then head down and open the southernmost locked door (the other one isn't real). Defeat the enemies in the next room, then go down the right stairs and up to get the Dungeon Map. Go back and go down the other stairs. You've returned to the entrance to the castle, so you can now go back into Hyrule to do stuff, if you want.
Anyway, once you come back, go up through the center corridor to the next room, then defeat a Moblin and head left. Defeat these Wizrobes and head up, then avoid the stones and head up toward the gate to hear a hint from Ezlo. Quadruplicate yourself, but make sure you don't do the last one until the stone has been fired, so the swords will deflect them back. The statues will be destroyed, and the gate will open. Go up.
Defeat the Floormasters in here and destroy the pots, then go right into the next room. In here, you need to step on the tiles in the correct order, which is:
[ 4][ 5][10],
[ 3][ 6][ 9],
[ 1][ 2][ 7][ 8]
The door will open, so go through and defeat the enemies. Go down and quadruplicate, then head further down (careful of the trap) and step on the four switches. Get the key and jump down, then head back to the first room. Go up the stairs to the right and go through the locked door.
Head right and up, then into the next room. Kill the skeletons, then quadruplicate to correspond with the statues above, like
p Q
Q p
Once you split, charge a Spin Attack, then go up in front of the statues. Once they fire, let the Spin Attack go to destroy the statues. Go up through the former gate, then defeat the enemies in this room. Look at the floor near the left wall; do you see the small cracked area on the floor? Bomb the wall directly west of it, then go through. Go up into the door here, then go up the ladder.
Go up through the door, then defeat the Darknut here. Get the Compass from the room to the right, then push the throne aside and go down the stairs. Defeat the enemies here, and take the stairs at the end, then head right and take another set of stairs.
Go outside up here, then hop into the vortex and head down to the second platform you come to, avoiding stones. Defeat the Moblins and go through the door, then quadruplicate once the fire spin has reached the top. Head down and push the block down, then go through the door.
Hop into the vortexes and float to the southernmost platform; defeat the enemies and go in the door for some goodies. Head back out and go left, then defeat the enemies and shoot the switch to extend the bridge. Cross and defeat the Moblins, then go through the door. In here, go look at the switches ahead, then quadruplicate yourself accordingly on the panels. Slice the switches, then go through the door.
Defeat the ball and chain fellows, then a portal to the first room will appear, thank you Nintendo. Head into the left door, then into the north door. In here, hop on the moving platform, then Cape jump through the wire mesh panels. Shoot both switches with your bow, then go back down. Bomb the blocks, then jump across the gap and go through the door, then the next door, then the next door.
Here, defeat the Darknut, then watch as more Darknuts appear. Backtrack two rooms, then defeat another Darknut and go through the north door. Defeat the skeletons and the Wallmasters that fall, then you need to shoot all four eyes at the north end in a short amount of time. Do it as soon as the rotating fire passes, then go through the door.
Push the middle block forward, then the lower block down. Fall into the hole, then take the stairs back up. Hit the switch and go up the stairs, then get the key. Go back down the stairs and head back into the room into the right, then head down three rooms to find two Darknuts. Defeat them, then go through the south door.
More tile baloney. Here's the pattern: [ 1]
[ 2][13][14][15]&npsp;   [29][30]
[ 3][12][11][16][27][28][31]
[ 4]    [10][17][26][25][32][33]
[ 5][ 8][ 9][18]    [24][23]
[ 6][ 7]    [19][20][21][22]
Go through the door at the end, then destroy the ghosts; there's one of them that will destroy them all if you destroy it. Go through the door and defeat the enemies, then head left and enter the door. Go up the stairs and get the key, then head back to the tile room. Head up one room, then right two rooms. Defeat the Darknut and head through the south door.
Quadruplicate on either square, on the top, left, right and bottom panels. Sneak past the rotating fire, then stand here:
 S   S
and move directly diagonally down-right. Quickly swing left and right wildly to open the door, then go through and hit the switch. Go up the stairs and get the key, then go back down and right. Go up one room, then left two, then up two, then right two rooms. Defeat the Darknuts and go into the north door, then light all the torches in this room and go through the north door.
Kill all the ghosts (like last time, there is a leader) and go through the right door, then go upstairs and get the key. Go back down and into the previous room, then go back to the rotating fire room. Go down one room, then left one, then up two. Use the keys on the four blocks, then quadruplicate and push the block away. Go get the Big Key, then go back to the electric ball room. Head left one, then down two, then right one, then go through the boss door if you're ready.
Vaati will talk. Get past the ball and chain as best you can, then quadruplicate here and go up to the four switches (slicing with four Links works well). Go through the next door and defeat the three Darknuts, then go through the last door. Vaati will fight you not fully prepared, then send you down...
Boss: Vaati Reborn
In the corners are two hearts, arrows, and a fairy. Anyway. Once Vaati fires his fireballs go up and attack the eyes. If he fires the black energy ball, run away from it, but don't get too far ahead, it won't end well. Once the eyes go, slice away at the last eye. This time, the eyes will fire energy beams. The third time, you'll have to remove a barrier with the Gust Jar before attacking. After four cycles, you'll go on to the next battle.
Boss: Vaati Transformed
He's an...eye. Surrounded by eyes. Fire arrows at the eyes until four red ones are opened, then quadruplicate according to the eyes and slice them at the same time. Once they go, slice away at Vaati while avoiding his attacks. Do this about four times to get rid of him.
Go back up the stairs and use the Spin Attack to return Zelda to normal. The castle will begin collapsing, and you'll return to the first room to find the entrance blocked by rubble. Go up the left stair and go downstairs, then go left and around to the Elemental Sanctuary (lots of pots in the opposite door). You'll be stopped by Vaati, and now you battle his final form.
Final Boss: Vaati's Wrath
He's got attacks that are fairly simple to avoid, so I won't go into them. When an arm goes underground, then pops up, use the Cane on it to freeze it, then use the portal and enter the arm. Find the eye with the filled-in pupil and slice away to destroy it, then leave. Repeat this with his other arm, using the Lantern to light it up. After that, he'll fire some electricity. After he does this, quadruplicate and face his eyes at a distance. Once they fire, deflect the shot back at them, then slice away at Vaati. Repeat until he is finally gone.
Vaati will vanish, leaving naught but his hat. Ezlo will return to normal and give Zelda Vaati's cap. She'll use it to return the castle, and Hyrule, to normal. Ezlo will give Link another hat, then return through the Minish door as it closes.